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Home » Articles » Modeling and design artwork for women's and children's clothing



To the idea prevailing in the minds of the designer, got the specific and detailed development, it is necessary to decide the composition of the model. 
Creative work of fashion artist on the composition of the suit should be directed at the expression and the embodiment of content, put in the model, given its purpose. 
As already known, various spatial forms have the ability to produce various impressions. 
These properties consist of the components of its primary combinations and relationships of these elements.
Every single item of clothing consists of geometric shape, size and mass shape as a whole and its parts as well as color, pattern and texture of the material forms. 
These elements are the primary and main working material of the artist-designer on the composition. 
One of the main tasks of composition decision is computing certain ratios and relationships of the primary elements of three-dimensional form, which would Express the functional and artistic quality created clothing. The variety of form elements and the limitless possibilities of their combinations give the artist the opportunity to find new artistic solutions. 
Consider the basic properties of the primary elements of the form (a detailed analysis of the elements of the composition, their properties and relationships listed below). 

  The geometric form.Every kind of shape is defined by three characteristics: the degree of volume, the contours of the shape as a whole and its parts and its surface (rectilinear, curved or broken line).
  The degree of volume depends on the ratio of measurements of the shape in three-dimensional space; in the forms of the clothes she does have a limit within the capabilities of the human figure as a support for clothes. But within these limits the degree of volume clothing is very diverse. So, the smallest volume have a shape close to an elongated straight or curve line, when the dress form is strongly elongated in one dimension (linear shape). The greatest volume have the shape approaching the shape of a cube or sphere, expressed in three dimensions (volumetric nature of the form).The intermediate volume between linear and volumetric shapes is close to the plane of the rectangle, expressed in two dimensions (flat character).
The contour shapes of clothes, consider all sides, expresses its volume. Planar visual perception of three-dimensional shapes, bounded by contours, gives an idea of the silhouette of the garment. Consequently, the shape and silhouette are interrelated. 
The General form, and hence the silhouette of the garments are due in the first place, the practical purpose of clothing and its mandatory role is to beautify the person, that is adapted to his individual appearance. The shape and silhouette are also dependent on fashion trends.
The overall shape and silhouette of the clothes in themselves can Express the artistic concept. But they can simultaneously serve as a basis or background, various decorative solutions. The use of costume and decorative details in clothing (pockets, straps, finishes, etc.) requires their subordination to the shape and silhouette of the garment. Only then decorating clothing items will further reveal its artistic essence and will enhance the expressiveness of the basic form and silhouette. 
  Surface uniforms may consist of straight or curved surfaces (convex or concave) and they can also be smooth or broken. Broken surface of the mold form, for example, different draping, ruched, pleats, the ruching. The combination of different surfaces enhances the expressiveness of the overall shape and silhouette of the garment. 

  The value of the form. This element expresses the ratio of clothing with the human figure, as well as certain forms of clothing between them. 
From the value of the form depends on the degree of three-dimensionality, the visual lightness or heaviness.
The difference of two or more forms of the largest most noticeable when compared.
The General form of many types of light and the top of the dress consists of two or more parts (bodice, skirt, sleeve, collar). A comparison of the values of the forms of these parts according to the principle of greater or lesser differences gives many solutions. Become more apparent than the difference in the amount of one form compared to other, more expressive, fine shape and silhouette of the clothes in General.
In modeling clothes, working on the composition often use the effect of the contrasting large and small quantities. The magnitude of the shape in General is visually increase or decrease. So, small parts (buttons, leaves, pockets, etc.), located in great shape, stress, and major on the same form, reduce the size of the form itself (for example, small buttons on the dress-coat poluprilegayuschy shape and large buttons on clothes of the same shape change visually the same size shape). 

  Mass. Weight - visual weight is the number of uniforms as a whole and its constituent parts: shoulder, girths of chest, waist and hips, the size of the sleeves, collar etc.
All of these form elements are interrelated; changing the index of one element of form entails a change of other elements. So, with largest changes and its mass: the larger form corresponds to a large mass. Weight depends on the geometric shape of the silhouette of the garment. A shape close to a linear character, have a minimal weight. Maximum mass have a shape approaching the shape of a cube. Therefore, the mass depends on volume.
To change the visual weight of the dress form as a whole and its individual parts affect the occupancy level of constructive and decorative lines, fittings or finishes: the smaller the form, the more it will seem plenty. 
Visual change of mass depends also on the value of clothing items. For example, collar or pockets small size increase the mass; the same details, but larger, reduce the mass of clothing. 

  Color, pattern and texture of the material. These form elements have a significant impact on the appearance of the uniform and her expression. C in e t has the property visually increase or decrease the shape of the garment, to give the form of lightness or heaviness, comfort, or tire the person. 
Material, decorated pattern, has different surface fill depends on size and weight uniform, made of this material. So, the sparse pattern increases, and compacted, condensed pattern - reduces the amount and weight of clothing. 

  Texture the material is of great importance to identify the level of volume and weight of clothing. The texture of the fabric with a pronounced relief (bouclé, grosgrain, Varsova) visually increases the volume, weight of clothing; smooth, transparent, shiny surface, on the contrary, visually reduce the volume, add lightness clothes. Fabrics with long pile and a fur (Karakul, clam, Smychka) have the ability to give the form solidity and integrity, as due to the enhanced textured surface connect the individual parts of the form are not visible.

Category: Modeling and design artwork for women's and children's clothing | Added by: 08.11.2017
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