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Home » Articles » The basics of the art of designing clothes

Designing clothes for men and women


Casual dress is a garment worn every day. 

Most of the people we have working or studying. Half of the time of day (except holidays) is working life. 

The appearance of a man, his clothes while working at the enterprises, in industry, in government institutions, in trade, transport, services, schools deserve no less attention than during the holidays, during vacation, etc.

In the past to highlight the profession of the person used various means: forms, uniforms, ranking, etc. Now uniform suit remains in a very few institutions: the army, the police, some departments, where discipline, subordination is of special importance. 

There are many professions that do not require special clothes, and millions of people in such professions are dressed in ordinary suits.

Requirements a working, office environment of different professions have both common and specific traits that define the range of clothing, its overall shape, parts, types of style solutions. Of course, suits for service, work should be convenient and practical to serve the business objectives of socially useful work a person to assist him in action, to discipline him and not to distract their characteristics in the business environment.

However, this kind of casual suits should have different external forms, depending on the professional differences of the labor of human activities and relationships working with other people.

The relationship of working people can be very different: the teacher and students, the waitress and her clients, an engineer and work in manufacturing, Secretary, typist, accountants and accounting administrators show venues and audiences, etc. of Course, such a relationship is present their demands to the degree of efficiency, elegance, or discharge, separation, formality of clothing. Requirements of the relationship and the situation of the institution dictates that students were dressed in dresses, business suits, modest, not distracting from classes neither they themselves nor others of his comrades.The teacher must be dedicated to their costume as the main protagonist in the situation of the institution. Suit the teacher must help him to attract the attention of students, to get them to focus. Of course, the suit will not replace the teacher of real authority, of knowledge of the subject and ability to present your material, it only could help establish contact with students. But if the teacher will be dressed slovenly, carelessly, or in a suit other purposes, it will produce a very bad impression, to erase which can only be made after some time.

The relationship between a waitress and her customers, too create certain requirements for her costume. Costume waitress, of course, needs to highlight how distinguished man form or uniform, to be somewhat elegant, but without any hint of "servile administering" degrading human dignity. The waitress as her work, demeanor and his suit needs to impress its clients. Dressed in the appropriate dress, sweet, courteous in their work, the waitress will further strengthen the reputation of prestige of the enterprise and the location of people.

Relationships working with other people can be different, in this case the man's costume becomes less significant or this is not necessary. As changes of environment of work and working relations between people can vary and the nature of the suit and its degree of formality, elegance.Of course, the activities, people of some professions may require more dressy clothing, for example for a journalist, commentator, television, guide-interpreter, administrator entertainment company, artist and many other people need various degrees of fancy clothes. Casual dresses, costumes can be very diverse. They should be modern - trendy but not trendy. The main features of fashionable silhouettes, details, finish, fashionable colors - all this should be reflected in everyday clothes for the exit, but be used sparingly.

Should not be too Intrusive details of finishes, which can quickly get bored. Colors to choose from. calm, in harmony with the business environment. These dresses, suits more for a long time remain modern and less bother to others.

Recently developed many types of clothing for classes and services. So, for women, but dresses, suits, various kits, consisting of skirt, blouse and vest, dress with jacket, dress with blouse and vest etc. for men a variety of costumes, including combined, in which the pants and jacket are made of different materials. Almost all such clothes are solved in sporty style. Business or official dresses, costumes and classical forms, but with this style decision should be added appropriate accessories.These additions lend a simple, classic forms of clothing are of a different nature, casual, office or more dressy costume.

The nature of the additions to casual, business clothes is determined by their purpose and subject to the General character of the costume set. 

Women's casual clothing usually consists of only dresses or dresses of two, three and even four parts. In the dress of the two parts of the following combinations: dress and jacket, blouse and skirt or blouse and dress. 

Dress in three parts may consist of: blouse, skirt and jacket, blouse, skirt and vest, dress, blouse and jacket.

Dress of the four parts is set less common than the above kits. Here are usually combined in the finished costume: skirt, blouse, vest or jacket. All of these kits can be made from one or more tissues combined with each other by color. 

In some cases, depending on the requirements of the situation, skirt sets may be replaced by trousers. In Fig. 116 shows a female sets for the service.

In Fig. 116, as shown the blouse with a skirt, in Fig. 116, b - a blouse and a vest with a skirt, in Fig.116, in a pinafore with a blouse, in Fig. 116, g - suit, consisting of jacket with a skirt and blouse, in Fig. 116, d - dress with jacket. 

Sets mens casual wear are the same principle as in women's clothes. 

Shirt combined with pants, jacket or blouse can be complemented by the vest-tank top. The set can be solved in combination with a light jacket.

Easy male costume can consist of shirts and pants made from the same cloth. In Fig. 117 shows mens casual suits. In Fig. 117, and this shirt with pants from the same fabric, Fig. 117, b - suit, consisting of light jacket - jacket with zipper on three buttons, with side and breast pockets with flaps, trousers and shirts, in Fig. 117 in - suit, consisting of shirts, trousers and jackets without a collar, with pockets, made in the form of the leaves; Fig. 117, d - costume of shirt, trousers and a long straight vest with collar, lapels, patch pockets and belt.

The choice of fabrics for casual wear depends on season, types of clothing, the nature of the work performed by a person and the environment. You should use practical materials well holding the form, does not crease, does not require a lot of care, fabrics such as woolen, staple, cotton with the use of Dacron, terylene and other synthetic fibres.

Finishing in everyday costume used in small quantities and is very simple: in women's clothing - machine lines, folds, finishing hardware, edges, materials, etc.; dressed as a man - machine lines, fittings and finishing materials.

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Category: The basics of the art of designing clothes | Added by: 26.10.2017
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