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Home » Articles » Women's and children's dress

Dress of striped fabric/summer Dress


Dress (Fig. 247) is of cotton or silk fabric in stripes. Sleeves vtachnye "flashlight" at the bottom with elastic. Collar turn-down. The bodice and collar trimmed slant Beek. The clasp on the left side of the bodice under the binding. The skirt is straight in the Assembly.

Lines cut and prepare patterns

To prepare the main pattern of the dress and sleeves. Apply a line style only to the front of the dress.
  Back. Upheld the back of the bodice (Fig. 248,a).
  Before. From the lowest point of the neck down to postpone 2 cm (Fig. 248, b) and point 2 to connect a smooth line with the neck. To defer from the middle to the left of the front along the lines of the waist and chest for 4 see Both points 4 connect a straight line continuing it to the mouth. The right side of the chest Darts continue down to the intersection with the waist line. Through the point B draw a vertical line to the level of the waist line, down - line bottom of the dress. From the end of the first tuck on the waist line to draw a straight line to the intersection with the line of the bottom of the dress.
  Sleeve. On the basic pattern of the sleeves in the midline to defer down the sleeve length - 18 cm (Fig. 248 ) and through the point 18 draw a horizontal line to the intersection with the seam lines of the sleeves.
  Collar. Draw the rectangle ABC (Fig. 248 g).
The vertical line of the rectangle is equal to the width of the collar 7 cm and the horizontal length of the collar 17 cm (the semicircle of the neck).
From point A to defer down vertically 2 see Points 2 and Used to connect a smooth line.
  Training patterns. The pattern of the front cut lines the waist and style. A tuck at the shoulder line to close and bring in the waist to increase the number of assemblies. Sleeve cut in the midline. Unnecessary parts of the pattern to cut.

Layout and cutting

The fabric is doubled by a transverse filament (Fig. 249).
The middle of the front skirt together with the middle part of the bodice is put to the bend of the fabric by a transverse filament. Measure the width of the skirt at the waist and bottom, equal to 1/2 of the semicircle hips plus 15 - 20 cm for Assembly. The back panel of a skirt of a width of 35 - 40 cm namelythe on the fabric along the transverse strip.
The pattern side of the front bodice to put in an equity strip, stepping back from the skirt and middle portion of the bodice by 3 - 4 cm for the seam.
The rest of the fabric folded in half common thread.
Put the middle of the pattern of the back to fold fabric in an equity strip.
Line cut sleeves to put the common thread and push these lines at 10 cm for assemblies. Pritochki from the side sections of the sleeve to be connected on the line side of the slice and cut out separately (based on the width of the fabric).
Other parts located as shown in Fig. 249.
For finishing the collar and bodice to cut out oblique bakey width of 5 cm


Oblique bakey sew, bend in half and ironed along the edge of the bend. Smoothed the borders of the front side to attach to the front side of the middle part of the front and tack at a distance of 0.5 cm from the edge.
Oblique bakey for the bottom of the bodice folded face inwards, and stitch at 0.5 cm from the edge, turn out on the front side. Free slices welts to attach the face to the reverse sides of the Beek on the breast, exactly on the waist line, and tack.
The side of the front bodice, right sides to attach to the oblique Beek and tack. To pristroit side of the bodice from neck to waist, leaving nezastroennoe from the neck on the left side of the bodice, 12 cm for the clasp.
The side of the front bodice and skirt at the waist to collect on the skin. The back of the bodice and the back panel of the skirt at the waist to collect on the skin. Baste the bodice to the skirt at the waist, combining a mid-rear cloth skirts with mid backrest and exactly dress on the side of cut.
Sew shoulder and side sections. The top edge tack belt at the waist along with bodice and skirt and pristroit. (Belt can be sewn in another way - hidden seam to the waist line of the dress). The belt fastens with buttons or a buckle.

Collar handle podkralas bake. To do this, bake the reverse side to attach to the front side of the collar. Podvorotni face to put on the front side borders, tack and pristroit all together on three sides (Fig. 250, a). Cut the fabric in corners, turn collar, loose cut bakey bend, tack and pristroit in the edge or sew the seam to the collar (Fig. 250, b). To pritchet collar to the neckline.
Sew the sleeves. The top part of the sleeve assembled on two lines. Hem the bottom of the sleeve under the elastic, leaving a small nezastroennoe cut for support gum. To votate and vacate sleeves in armhole. Ready dress to iron.


Dress summer (Fig. 251), short sleeve with cuffs. Clasp bodice with one button. Collar
large turn-down. Skirt wedges casual flare banding on the bottom. Collar, belt and cuffs of sleeves has a raised line in the color of the edging. The fabric is cotton, silk, dyed or with a small figure.

Lines cut and prepare patterns

To prepare a basic dress pattern to the waist line (see Fig. 236) and pattern sleeves. For these patterns to apply a line style.
 Back. On both sides of the tucks from the waist line to zastrocky folds to defer up to 3 cm (Fig. 252, a).
 Before. From the neck down the middle of the front to delay of 1.5 cm (Fig. 252, b) and this point to connect a smooth line with the middle of the neck. From a point 1.5 and waist to add 2 cm to the clasp. For zastrocky folds to defer along the lines of the tucks from shoulder to 4 cm for the Darts at the waist 3 cm
 Sleeve. The delay to the middle line of the sleeve length - 15 cm (Fig. 252,) and through the point 15 to draw a horizontal line. From point 15 to delay down 3 cm ACC sleeve and also draw a horizontal line.
The bottom of the sleeves to arrange as shown in Fig. 252, V.
 Collar. Draw a right angle with vertex at point A (Fig. 252, d). From point A to postpone vertically 8 cm From point 8 to the intersection with the horizontal line draw a line equal to 15 cm (neck 16 cm minus 1 cm). Divide this line in half and from the dividing point to hold down the perpendicular is equal to 2, see Point 8, 2, 15 to connect a smooth line. From points 8 and 2 for direct and from the point 15 to the horizontal delay by 10 cm point 10 to connect a smooth line. This line from the point 10 (h) to postpone down 4 cm and a point 4 connected to point 15 with a straight line.
  Cuff. Build the rectangle ABC (Fig. 252, d).
The vertical line is 6 cm, horizontal: 22 cm (hand circumference 20 cm + 2 cm).
From points A and B to delay down 1 see to Connect these points with a smooth line, extending it to 1 cm to the left and right. These points connect points G and B. the Line VG split in half, from the point of division up to postpone 1 see Connect a smooth line points At, 1 and G.

  Construction drawing skirts. Draw a horizontal line of arbitrary length, divide it in half and at the point of division, to put the point a (Fig. 253). From point And hold down the vertical line.
  The waist line. From point A to postpone to the left, down and to the right by 11 cm (1/3 semicircle waist): 33 : 3 = 11 cm.
To put the point T, T1 and T2, which are to connect the line in the form of a semicircle.
  The length of the skirt. From the points T, T1 and T2 to defer the skirt length of 45 cm, to put the points H, H1 and H2 and connect also by a line in the form of a semicircle. In order to divide the skirt into 10 wedges, should the waistline be divided into 5 equal parts (in the middle of the back and front panels in half of the wedge). From the centre And through the resulting points draw a line of wedges until the bottom of the skirt, as shown in the drawing.
  The training patterns. Cut the extra part of the pattern, collar and cuff to make a copy on tracing paper. Cut wedges skirt.

Layout and cutting

The fabric is folded in half with the fold at the common thread. The pattern positioning on fabric as shown in Fig. 254. All the details to carve out.

NoteFor this pattern, you can tailor the dress for autumn and winter season velvet, corduroy or wool fabrics. The difference is in the length of the sleeve (instead of a short - sleeve 3/4 ). This style is recommended for more white collar.
All the details of the pattern should be placed on the velvet and corduroy fabrics only in one direction (from left to right or right to left). 


Sew the folds on the lines of the shoulder and waist on the reverse side. To oblachat loop size buttons. Sew shoulder and side sections and neaten on one side. To handle the collar, tack and pritchet to neckline the neckline.
Sew wedges skirt. Hem hem coloured piping. The seams on the skirt neaten on one side. Sew the skirt to the bodice. Sew the sleeves. To handle the bottom of the sleeves with colored thread or soutache. To vacate sleeves. Sew the button on. Stitch the waistband to finish it the same as the bottom of the sleeves.

Category: Women's and children's dress | Added by: 20.10.2017
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