Dress of cotton fabric (sizes 46 - 54), cut at the waist.
The skirt is flared in wedges.
Four wedge without suture cinches at the waist and four wedge with seam in the middle tacheny between all wedges.
Open neck.
The dress is decorated with a wide white belt.
To dress, you can wear a white hat and white gloves.
A dress of this style can be recommended to young women with a slender figure.
Drawing style lines on the pattern and cutting (Fig. 339)
the Style developed by the pattern drawing tselnokrajnimi bodice with short sleeve.
Back (Fig. 339, a). To increase the depth of the cut sprout at the shoulder cut into 5 to 6 cm When cutting the middle of the pattern to put the fold of the fabric at common thread.
The shelf (Fig. 339, b). To increase the width of the neck at the shoulder cut into 5 - 6 cm, and the depth of cut for 8 - 9 see Point 5 - 6, 8 - 9 linking. When cutting the middle of the pattern to put the fold of the fabric at common thread.
Pattern pieces are numbered and show the direction of the grain lines.
To otkroite piping for treatment of the neck, the germ and the arm openings.
The seam and stocks is shown in Fig. 339.
Cutting skirt (Fig. 340). For cutting skirts need the following measurements (in cm):
Full waist circumference... 76
skirt Length ....................... 72
a Skirt of this cut can be patroit of narrow and wide fabrics. For cutting the skirts of narrow fabrics (Fig. 340, a) you need three or four length skirt made plus 8 - 10 cm for clearance of the wedge at the waist line, the connection of the skirt with the bodice and binder bottom, and width depending on the style.
To determine the width of the wedge through the waist bushel full circumference of the waist divided by the number of wedges. In this cut 6 wedges: 76 : 6 = 13 cm. To the resulting width of the wedge to add 2.5 cm for seams: 13 of + 2.5 = 15.5 cm. the Skirt can be otkroite with Assembly at the waist. For this purpose, the obtained width of the wedge at the waist line to allow for the Assembly of 2 - 5 cm (optional). The fabric is suitable for the cutting of the skirt, folded in half face inside, equating edge.
From the fold of the fabric on the lower slice, and on the opposite side from the edges to lay half the width of the wedge at the waist line, ie 7,8, see plotting points to connect.
To make the notch of the wedge of 1 - 2 cm Leveling wedges for oblique slices. To do this, to postpone the length of the wedge-to-measure from waist line down, the rest of the fabric cut (Fig. 340, a). In this cutting one wedge will be seamed along the edges and one without the seam in the middle.
For cutting skirts from a wide fabric (Fig. 340, b) need: two lengths of the skirt-to-measure plus 8 - 10 cm for clearance of the wedge at the waist line, skirt with bodice and a binder bottom. When cutting these wedges from one length of fabric also folded in half face inward. The upper section of the fabric to split in half. From the points of division to defer to the right and left half width of the wedge at the waist line, ie 7,8 cm on the opposite side of the fold of the fabric and edges to postpone also the half-width of the wedge at the waist line, ie 7,8, see plotting points to connect.Arrange the wedges on the waist line and bottom similar to the above, In this cutting, if the width of the fabric 96 - 120cm, one wedge will be seamed along the edges and three with no seam. Only four of the wedge from the same cloth.
1. To celebrate the middle of the back and forepart cushioning seam.
2. To lay a snare for the main lines and shaped patterns.
3. Baste and sew tackle Darts on the back shelf and the side tuck.
4. Baste and stitch shoulder seams, press seam towards the back.
5. Sew piping to the treatment of the neck in the shoulder seams and the middle front seam to resaturate. Tack the facing to the neckline, equalizing sections, pristroit seam width 0.7 - 1 cm to Bend the facing on the underside, to bend the second cut, tack, pritchet thread to match the dress. The edge of the neckline to tack and pristroit braid-Rick-rack or lace to sew blind stitch manual stitches.
6. Baste and sew the side seams, the left side leave the seam nezastroennoe 6 - 7 cm for lock "lightning".
7. To cover the bottom of the bodice to the width of the seam allowance when cutting.
8. Treating underarm podkralas car.
9. Baste and sew the wedges so that in the middle of the skirt was bridging wedge common thread. Gather skirt to the Assembly.
10. Tack the bodice to the skirt, pristroit seam width 0.5 cm
11. Align the skirt, hem the bottom. In the edge of the skirt tack and pristroit braid-Rick-rack.
Note. The skirt of this casual wedges practical to wear, not drawn out and wide on the bottom. Dress recommended to wear with a crisp bottom skirt.