Clothing is a cover of the human body. Since ancient times man began to protect his body from the scorching sun, cold winds and rain. In those days an abundance of materials for the manufacture of clothing was enough, often, the material for clothing was taken from leather and animal skin, and feathers from the giant birds. Their feet were covered man, abortiva your feet skin and bark of trees.
Started to occur a aesthetic upgrade. The most convenient and simple method for the manufacture of clothing - looked like a tent on the shoulders hung a coat that resembled a cloak, his head also covered with skin. Used Cape to the hips, these methods were very simple since all clothing was attached to speakers more natural parts of the body. Later, there was knitting garment which has become better to serve man.
For human protection is the main body and the separation of classes and the emergence of the public for people have got a aesthetic opportunity in such a way to stand out among others.
So the same clothing indicates the person to the condition of the habitat's see what nationality the person belongs, on clothes, you can understand what a person what religion they are and which culture. Therefore, clothing has influenced the formation of aesthetic taste of a person.
Type and shape of clothing has changed. These drastic changes occurred under the influence of many factors and the style of the era. Every time in public it influenced certain looks, tastes artistic understanding. Your rational abilities of man embodied in the form of art. And put them into works of art household items and clothing.Judging by their variety of items can be judged that people have been consistency, conformity to each other. Different stylistic unity. So began to emerge style.
Clothing and its forms always correspond to the surrounding world of man and in conformity with the spirit of the time. Over time, the style of clothing became heavily changing . Clothing began to be manufactured in geometric forms, circle , triangle at the figure-hugging shape. Became more convenient in its form and convenient. Bright in color and magnificence. So over time, the pace has varied and constructive clothing.