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Home » Articles » Cutting and sewing of women clothes

Bathing suit two piece


in the drawing patterns such cowards (Fig. 7) must be removed following measurements (in cm): 
Poluobhvat waist..... 38 
Poluobhvat hips.... 53 
seat Height........ 28 

 Construction drawing pattern back halves of cowards. On the left side of the sheet of paper, spend a vertical line (Fig. 8, a), where delay measurements seat height plus 10 cm, and put the points T and N (28 + 10 = 38 cm). Through the points T and N hold right horizontal line. 

 Width cowards. From the point T to the right on a horizontal line lay 1/2 scoops of poluobhvat hips plus 1cm and put a point T (T = 53 : 2 + 1 = 27.5 cm). 
From the point T lowered perpendicular to the line of the bottom, the point of intersection represent N. 

 Line of the hips. From point T down on a vertical line delay measurements, seat height minus 4 cm and put B (28 - 4 = 24 cm). Through point B to the right spend a horizontal line to the intersection with the line TN. The point of intersection represent B. 

 Waist line and Darts. From the point T to the right on a horizontal line lay 2 cm and put a point T. Through the point T spend a vertical line up, on which lay 2 cm, and put a point T. Point C and B, connect a smooth line. From the point T right on the line T make a notch with the radius equal to 1/2 measure of poluobhvat waist, plus 3 cm, and put a point T. 
TT = 38 : 2 + 3 = 22 see 
Point T T and connect with a straight line.
The distance between the points T, T divided in half and the dividing point is lowered down the perpendicular, on which lay 14 cm, getting the point V. From the points of division to the left and right of the line TT put off by 1.5 cm and join poluchennymi smooth lines with the point B. 

 the Side cut. Point T and B connect direct the dotted line, cut BT divided into three equal parts. From the bottom of the dividing point to the right, raise a perpendicular, on which lay 1 cm From the top of the dividing point to the right, raise a perpendicular, on which lay 0.5 cm plotting points connect smooth lines with dots T and B. 

 Cut the strap fasteners. Point T and B restore the perpendiculars to the line TB, which lay 4 cm. Through the obtained point hold a smooth line parallel to TB.

 The bottom line. From the point N to the right on a horizontal line lay 1 see Get point 1, which connect the smooth line by point B. From the point 1 to the right lay 5 cm and put a point N. Point N and B connect direct the dotted line, divide the segment in half NB from the dividing point raise a perpendicular, on which lay 1 see the resulting point, connect a smooth line with points B and N. 

 The creation of the drawing pattern of the front halves of pant. On the right side of the sheet of paper, spend a vertical line, on which lay a merc seat height plus 10 cm, and put the points T and N (Fig. 8, b). Through the points T and N the left spend a horizontal line. 

 Width of cowards. From the point T to the left on a horizontal line lay 1/2 scoops of poluobhvat hips and put a point T. 
TT = 53 : 2 = 26.5 cm. 
From the point T lowered perpendicular to the line of the bottom, the point of intersection with the bottom line indicate N. 

 The hips. From T point down the line TN postpone the measure, seat height minus 4 cm and put B (28 - 4 = 24 cm). Through point B to the left, spend a horizontal line to the intersection with the line TN. The point of intersection represent B. 

 The bottom line. Line NN continue to the right by 4 cm and put a point N. TN continue the line down 3 inches and put a point N. Point N N and connect with a straight line. Point N and B connect the straight dotted line. Cut BN divided into three equal parts. From the bottom of the dividing point raise a perpendicular, on which lay up to 4 cm from the top of the dividing point raise a perpendicular, on which lay 3.5 cm plotting points connect smooth curved line with points B and N. 

 The front section. From the point T to the left on a horizontal line lay 3 cm and put a point T. From the point T down a perpendicular, on which lay 1 cm, and put a point T. Point T and N connect direct the dotted line, cut TN divide in half, from the dividing point to the left raise a perpendicular, on which lay 2 cm of the Obtained point connect a smooth line with points T and N. 

 The waist line. From the point T the left on line T make a notch with the radius equal to 1/2 measure of poluobhvat waist, and put a point T (38 : 2 = 19 cm). Point T T and connect with a straight line. 

 Side cut. Point T and B connect direct the dotted line, cut TB divided into three equal parts. From the lower point division raise left perpendicular, on which lay 1 cm from the top of the dividing point raise a perpendicular, on which lay 0.5 cm of the Received point and the points T and B connect a smooth line. 

 Line yoke and belt. On the front half of the pant from the point T line the front of the cut down lay 6 cm from point T at the hip line down lay 4 see plotting points connect smooth lines. On the rear half of the pant from the points T, T lay down for 4 see the resulting points are linked by straight lines. 

 The layout pattern and cutting fabric. Pattern pieces are placed on the fabric so that the direction of the grain lines on the drawing coincide with the direction of the grain lines of the fabric. The seam do only on the side of cut (0.5 cm).
For the treatment of a fastener cut two strips the width 4.5 cm, equal to the length of the side cut panties; for the treatment of lower slices, oblique strip of width 3 cm, for the treatment of the upper sections of the belt and the yoke. The belt is cut with the closed dart. 

 Sewing. Panties sew lapped or double seam (except for the side cut on the left side). The belt and yoke, and sew along the side cut on the right side, the seam rautureau. The bottom of the belt and yoke bends 0.5 cm and zametyvayut; you can tack edging. The belt and yoke primetyvajut the face to the underside of the panties, then placing the bar for processing fasteners, the face to the underside of the panties, and all of these items simultaneously to grind. Details straps for handling fasteners, belt and yoke are bent on the front side, tuck slices of 0.5 cm, primetyvajut and scribbled a short distance from the edge.
On the bottom slices of cowards primetyvajut oblique striped face to the inside of panties, pritachivajut and bent on the front side. Slice placket bends 0.5 cm, primetyvajut and pritachivajut a short distance from the edge. Along the edges of cowards spawn loops and sew buttons. 


in the drawing of the pattern of this bra (see Fig. 7) must be removed following measurements (in cm): 
Poluobhvat chest....... 48 
Poluobhvat under the breast.... 40 

 Construction drawing cups. On the left side of the sheet of paper, spend a vertical line, on which lay the 1/4 measurements of poluobhvat chest plus 8 cm, and put points A and N (Fig. 9, a). 
An = 48 : 4 + 8 = 20, see 
Through points A and H to the right, hold the horizontal line. 

 The width of the Cup. From point A to the right along a horizontal line lay 1/4 measurements of poluobhvat chest plus 1 cm and put a point A (AA = 48 : 4 + 1 = 13 cm). 
Through the point A down, spend a vertical line to the intersection with the bottom line, the point of intersection represent N. 

 Line the middle of the cups. From point And lay down 1/2 the height of the cups plus 1 cm and put a point G. 
AG = 20 : 2+ 1 = 11 see 
Through the point G to the right spend a horizontal line. The point of intersection of this line with the line ON indicate G. 
From the point I left on a horizontal line lay 3 cm and put a point A. Point A and G connect direct the dotted line, cut AG divided in half, the dividing point raise a perpendicular, on which lay 1.4 cm, the resulting point connected to the points A and G a smooth convex line.
From the point N to the right on a horizontal line lay 4 cm and put a point N. Point N and G connect direct the dotted line, cut GN divided into three equal parts, from the top of the dividing point raise a perpendicular, on which lay 0.6 cm Obtained point connect smooth curved line with points G and N. 

 The front slice. From the point N lay to the left of 2 cm and put a point N. Point N connect a straight line with a point G, point G - a straight line with a point A. 

 Side cut. From the point G hold right horizontal line, which lay 2 cm and put a point G. Point G connect a straight line with points A and N. 

 Draw the pattern side of the bra (Fig. 9, b). Spend a vertical line, on which lay a distance equal to GN (with a drawing of a Cup), and put the points E and J. Through points F and g hold to the right of the horizontal line. From the point E to the right along a horizontal line lay a bushel of poluobhvat under bust minus the value of the segments NN and NN (with a drawing of a Cup) and put a point E. From the point He lowered perpendicular to the intersection with the bottom line, the point of intersection represent G. 

 The side cut. From the point E to the right along a horizontal line lay 2 cm and put a point E. Point E and connect with a straight line. 

 Line fasteners. From the point G up vertically, lay 3 inches and put a point E. 

 The upper cut. Point I and A connect the dotted line, divide the segment in half IE, from the points of division drop the perpendicular, on which lay 2 cm of the Obtained point connect a smooth line with points A and G. 

 The layout pattern and cutting fabric. Pattern pieces are placed on the fabric so that the direction of the grain lines on the drawing coincide with the direction of the grain lines of the fabric. Details cut out with no seam. The cups cut out lining.
Cut out strips of fabric:
1) for straps with a width of 4 cm, length 38 cm (two pieces); 
2) to handle a buckle - width 3 cm, length 5 cm (two pieces); 
3) for loops with a width of 2 cm, length 9 - 10 cm (three pieces); 
4) for processing the upper edge side of the bra cut out a strip width of 2.5 - 3 cm, 
5) for podchinenija bottom - width 2.5 cm Bra you can sew with the strap at the bottom. The bar cut out a 5 cm wide with its length equal to the measure of the girth under the chest. 

 Sewing. Grind off the cups through the mid and front sections. Seams rautureau. So the same process lining under the cups. Pritachivajut to the cups on the side of the bra. To the right side of the bra the zipper on the front side primetyvajut processed from the same tissue of the loops, then placing the bar face on the front side of the bra, the details grind off and folded inside out, the edge bends towards the inside by 0.5 cm, primetyvajut and scribbled. Treated in the same way and left side zipper. Then primetyvajut processed straps.Treated with oblique stripe top slice and share bar the lower section of the bra. The lining under the cups fold front side face of the bowl, smatyvay and sew on the top sections. Then the lining is folded inside out, forming the edging of the details of the top width 1 - 2 mm along the edge of the paving machine line. The lower section of the cups to buckle inside by 0.5 cm, zametyvayut and make the engine line.

Category: Cutting and sewing of women clothes | Added by: 18.10.2017
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