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Home » Articles » Cutting tailoring modeling women's lightweight clothing


As sustained improvements in the welfare and cultural level of the people of our country increases the demand for nice modern clothes.
Multi-talent Russian women, their skill, natural flavor left us with a rich tradition in the field of clothing.
This book will help our women continue to develop the best national traditions in the creation of clothing at home.
The book consists of five sections. In section I of this phased construction drawing basics dresses, cut at the waist line, adjacent silhouette (base 1) and one-piece dresses of a direct silhouette (base 2).
This section shows method of construction of basic drawings of the female dresses; the table of the absolute values of dimensional characteristics of the model figures women's size 48 on the 1st polnocny group of four fittings; the allowances to be considered when designing products.
Construction of the key drawing held in stages, i.e. determining the position of the main design points are shown sequentially on separate drawings. This will help the reader to quickly master the construction scheme of the main drawing.
Basic drawing is a scan of figures in the plane, i.e. on the sheet of paper, and is not affected by rapidly changing fashion.
The basis of construction drawings based on anthropometric measurements in accordance with the requirements of OST 17-326 - 74, the corresponding allowances for free customized fit and uniform design methods developed by Niesom.
Section II of this constructive modelling of articles of different outline forms on the basis of drawings of the foundations 1 and 2 and their structural development.
When making drawings of products with different designs applied the method of combining crown double seam of the sleeve with the armhole on the back and the shelf at the points where they touch, P3 and P6.
The combination of the top part of the sleeve with the armhole can be implemented in different ways depending on the shape of the bodice and sleeves and with the construction of the product drawing of the new form-fitting.
This method constructive simulation gives you the opportunity to do without calculation formulas using only drawing framework built using the calculation formulas for the individual figures.
At the same time to create products of different volumetric forms used a long-known method of breeding of the details of the pattern, wherein according to the planned places of formation for the main parts of the patterns applied to the line. Pattern main part is cut along the planned lines, pushing to the desired value and the new contours of the patterns transferred to a blank sheet of paper.
Section III shows the structural modeling of the lap and shoulder products the basics.
This section describes how the transfer of the top tuck on the shelf from the shoulder cut in different directions with regard to the shape cut: bodices attached forms, soft shapes in the bodices of large three-dimensional forms and bodies without visible tucks.
It is also shown gradual methods of constructive simulation sleeveless, drawing the collar on the main drawing of the bodice, as well as drawings of hoods, Pelerin, skirts and pants.
Section IV discusses the development of a constructive simulation of clothes of different assortment groups and outline forms for example products, shown in the Annex to the book. Developed drawings based on the drawings of articles of different outline forms and designs.
Section V contains brief information about sewing women's clothes.
However, to be able to use the basic pattern to create new models, you must first assimilate the material on the construction drawings of the basic patterns outlined in section I of the book.
The ability to use the basic pattern and the method of structural modeling can help the development of taste, creativity, ingenuity, and expanding notions of culture clothing. After studying the material of the book, readers will be able to update your wardrobe, not only due to the production of new tissues, but also due to alterations no longer fashionable products.
The book contains a lot of patterns and pictures of products of various range; most of the drawings taken from fashion magazines of Vilagrasa, all-Union House of clothes and other Houses models, as well as from foreign fashion magazines. The authors are grateful to everybody who will send their comments on the book.

Category: Cutting tailoring modeling women's lightweight clothing | Added by: 18.10.2017
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