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Dimensional anthropological standards

Features of construction of dimensional typology of children 

the Process of growth occurs in children unevenly. The uneven growth is evident, on the one hand, that children of the same age, the body size is different, which is clearly seen from the curves of normal distribution of signs, taken with a one-year interval (Fig. 1-22). On the other hand, the same size found in children of different ages, which is evident from the intersection of the curves of distribution, built for different ages.

Therefore, how to build dimensional typology of children required special development. They can be different. One of these methods, applied research Institute of anthropology of Moscow state University in the processing of materials measurements of children 1957 - 60 years, is set forth below.

In order to select those combinations of the leading signs that give the greatest satisfaction, it is necessary to know their distribution covering the whole age period. For this we first find the normal distribution of the combination of chest girth and growth for each year separately, and then from these distributions constitute a total distribution for the entire age period from 1 year to 17 years taking into account specific gravity of each year. Example of a General distribution given in table. 1-16.

As can be seen from the table, one chest combined with a variety of values of growth. For example, when standing bust girth 60 cm body length in boys varies from 89 to 143 cm; under bust girth 64 cm - from 101 to 149 cm, etc. Therefore, to achieve a high level of satisfaction (about 75 - 80% or more) in each size allocate multiple values Rostov (two to four) with the largest number in the distribution table.

In each age group with an annual interval find for each size characteristic average values and average quadratic deviation characterizes the scale of variation characteristic to this point in time. Based on the obtained average values of change curves to build dimensional signs, depending on age. These curves have been called the age curve (Fig. 1-23).

The scope of variability of the first leading characteristic (chest) for children from 1 year to 18 years divided into classes according to a given interval of indifference (4 cm). For each class in the bust up to one month of age to determine the age curve, which corresponds to the Central value of the chest girth of a given class (table 1-17). 

Then at the age curve of the second leading characteristic (growth) determine the average value of growth corresponding to the average ages found in the first leading lines.

In addition to average growth, as noted above, in each size, allocate another three options. For each selected option according to the age curve of growth to determine the corresponding average age.

The average value of all subordinates dimensional signs for each variant for chest girth and growth is determined similarly according to their age curves. It was revealed that some dimensional characteristics (girth and width) depend only on the chest, the other (longitudinal) - only the growth. Therefore, some define respectively the middle ages, established on the chest and the other on growth.

Based on these data was constructed dimension of anthropological standards of figures of children and later developed a size classification of figures and clothing in relation to garment industry (table. 1-18).

This classification of figures is significantly different from the scale in effect since 1952 In the nursery excluded sizes 18, 20 and 22, are almost not occurring in children from 1 year to 3 years, and in sizes 24 and 2B, are assigned to the nursery, this two growth. In preschool instead of four sizes (24, 26, 28, 30) and one growth in each size only two: 28 and 30, but three of the growth in each size.

Growth in children of preschool age increased annually by an average of 6 - 7 cm, while putting chest only 0.4 - 0.8 cm, This means that over a four-year pre-school period, the growth increased by an average of 24 cm, while the size varies by only 2 cm So 32 the amount allocated to the 4 growth included the size of a group of younger students, as all children having the size of 32, 70% of children are of primary school age. Unlike dial 1952 size 42 transferred to a group of high school students, and 46 are included in the group of teenagers.These changes were made due to the fact that an increase in body size of children in comparison with the previous period. The whole scale consists of 35 razmernost.

Currently, as a result of the additional work of the research Institute of anthropology of Moscow state University and TSNIISHP typology of figures of children specified. In particular, the group of Teens is intended to introduce a size 48, and the girls in this size - selection of fittings. 

Features highlight types of shapes in the design of the jerseys

Design and production of knitwear typology of the figures produced on the basis of the two leading dimension of signs: chest girth and growth. Just installed at intervals of 2 cm along the poluobhvat chest to male figures 7 basic (44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56) and one additional (58) size, for women, respectively 8 core (44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56 and 58) and one additional (60) sizes.

Each allocated two of growth with an interval of 12 cm for men 1 corresponds to the increase in body length from 155 to 167 cm, height - 167 to 179 cm for women, respectively: 1 the rise - from 143 to 155 cm, II growth, from 155 to 167 cm 

At designing clothes jerseys take into account the high extensibility and elasticity of knitted fabrics: a design to develop on two adjacent products size: 44 - 46, 48 - 50, etc. Respectively set the size of these products. Unit linen products by growth is not possible. 

Sizes for men's shirts

Size men's shirt set size neck girth, the corresponding particular size for the poluobhvat chest (table. 1-19).

For shirts the three growth intervals between adjacent 10 cm growth: I growth (157 cm) - from 152 to 1б2 cm, II is the height (167 cm) - from 162 to 1?2 cm, III height (177 cm) - from 172 to 182 cm.

Category: Design basics clothing | Added by: 27.10.2017
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