In Japan the traditional clothing is the kimono, which in appearance resembles an ordinary robe, but with a few differences: the kimono made to fasten at the waist with Obi (special belt) and the width of the sleeve must be much greater than the thickness of the hand. Buttons in a Japanese kimono missing. Replace them with twine and straps. To wear such an outfit, a kimono, you must first fill on the right side, and then wrap around the body of the Ob. Traditional clothes (kimono) is huge in Japan, popular not only among women but also among men.
Today it is accepted to distinguish several types of kimono:
- Furisode is the kimono worn by unmarried women.
- Komon is a universal outfit that you can safely go to almost any event.
- Irotomesode kimono that is commonly worn by married women or relatives of the newlyweds at the wedding ceremony.
- Homongi is a festive kimono Japanese dress for various celebrations.
Today we will tell you how to sew a traditional Japanese outfit with his hands. In Japan, the kimono sewn from fabrics, the width of which is approximately 30 cm to simplify the task, we offer sewing this dress from a fabric of standard size (curtain materials, artificial silk or cotton fabric). Because kimono can be called almost limitless clothes, in fact, the only parameter to be measured is its length. If you plan to do below the waist, and pleated, it can be changed in the range from 15 to 20 cm.The kimono collar is made of strips of rectangular shape. He can hide behind a belt or to reach the bottom.The sleeve of a kimono, it is desirable to make a length of about 54 cm sleeve Width taken to be 75 cm Now, consider how to cut and sew kimono.First thing cut the back rectangle. Before the kimono is the same rectangle as the back, but still cut into two halves. On the back is cut a neck, the diameter of which is equal to poluobhvat neck. On the sleeves are also cut two rectangles that fold in half and stapled in two fairly wide pipe.The cut portion of the front sewn to the back along the edge of the shoulder neckline. Then you can start to sew sleeves. The seam that you just made, it is necessary to combine with the seams on the sleeves. "Pipe", folded in half, should be sewn to the front and rear parts of the kimono down from the edge of the shoulder. After this, sewn under sleeve and back of the forehand. It is a kind of "robe". To the front parts of the kimono sewn extensions (this will increase the scent), which are made triangular slices (there is a collar).For a collar you will need to sew a double band (width 6 cm) rectangular piece of fabric with a width of 12 cm and a length equal to three lengths of the kimono. The middle part of the collar needs sewn to the middle of the neck, and then to the cross-sections made on the extensions. For women's kimono the finished belt should have a width of 30 cm and a length of 6 m.