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Home » Articles » National clothes » Russia

How to sew a Russian national sundress

In Russia traditional clothes has never been a particular variety. Well, at least it was with women. Long Russian folk sundresses representatives of the beautiful half of humanity love to dress in different events and activities. In these sundresses can be had in the evening to stroll the streets and visit the fair or just to visit their neighbors.

Such a national outfit like Russian dress, consisted of a very large number of elements, so it was never easy (especially festive sundresses). Cookiny sundress in Russia were made of wool of sheep, is woven and dyed in black with a decoction of oak bark and alder. Easy, home clothes household was considered a "Sayan" – satin sleeveless straight cut, gathered at the sides and back with small pleats.

In General in Russia were made tunics of the following types: skirt bodice, heavily Breakfast is luxurious with sleeves (flap), straight straps, with buttons or with front seam, as well as deaf, poorly Breakfast is luxurious. As for the colors of the national sundresses, older women wearing black and blue, and young girls – Burgundy or red Sayan. Now let's move on to how to sew Russian national sundress.

The first thing you need to get a measuring tape, a sheet of paper (it will be a pattern), thick plain cotton fabric or satin (2,5×1.10 m), coloured fabric in small patterns (2×0.9 m) and a lace or fancy braid. When all the necessary materials you will have, you can begin to sew. First, measure and record the width of the chest and back. On a prepared sheet of paper to construct paper patterns, draw your individual pattern that will accommodate the resulting dimensions. Then, from the color of the fabric should be cut webbing and the yoke of the future dress.If you still have trim colored fabric, they can be cut into tapes with a width of about 7 cm They will come in handy for finishing your national dress. Of solid fabric cut two trapezoids, the height of which is determined based on the desired length of dress. The lower base length shall be not less than 110 cm and the upper base of the trapezium is different. Note that the front panel should be 8 cm longer than the width of the back, rear – 5 cm Lateral parts of the yoke are cut you need to make and process the top part of the braid.

A finishing strip of colored fabric sewn on the front panel (right center), and to sew it is necessary, together with a band running along the seam. Side of the rear and front panels are sewn, and the hem of the sundress is handled decorative tape with tape running along the seam. The hem of the sundress a must-ironed. The upper part of the panels should prostrachivajut large stitch and gather by the width of the bottom of the yoke "drawstring". Yoke sewn to the bottom of the dress. Webbing fold in half, attracivte taped at the edges and sewn to the yoke.

Category: Russia | Added by: 08.11.2017
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