Every Muslim woman is denied the right to go outside (not on the street, and even on the landing!), not dressed in full accordance with the traditions of Muslim society. Even if the window is forty-degree heat, she is forced to wear trousers. In addition to the pants is supposed to wear a jacket or shirt length below the knee. The head must be covered with a scarf or maknae (a kind of shawl that is sewn under the chin).
The only exposed parts of the body can be only the hands and face. But hands are allowed to hang stones and gold jewelry in large quantity.
Leaving home, Muslim women often wear a veil that the figure of the woman covers from head to toe. The veil is a light blanket (women's) black, blue or white shade. Many Muslim women wear it for religious and cultural reasons. From ordinary veils the veil is different in that its head portion covering the face, and the part covering the head, are made of muslin cloth. This gives Muslim women the opportunity to zetapirate much stronger.
Today, many women convert to Islam, interested in the question how to sew myself a veil that would cover the whole face, leaving open only the eyes.
This article we want to give some practical recommendations that can help you to deal with this. First you need to purchase the ribbon of the appropriate color and any width. Its length should equal the circumference of your head plus the length of the clasp. The role of the fastener may be a button or Velcro (if you wish, you can just pick up and stitch the ends). Then you should take a thread, pin it to a bandage from purchased braid somewhere near the temple.The second end of the thread fixed at the other temple so that it hung at the line of the veil, that is, the eyes should be fully open and the tip of the nose is covered. After this, take the other string and binds in the area of the nose is hanging on a thread. The string is truncated at the level where you want to finish the veil. On these two threads and is defined by the width and length of the veil. For measured dimensions, cut out the veil, which we used to your band.