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Home » Articles » Sew yourself

Coat for girl (size 32)

Coats for girls are sewn from soft, bright and colorful fabrics as well as plain, which can be decorated with embroidery. Finishing materials - lace, soutache, genuine leather etc. 

The drawing pattern coat must be removed following measurements (in cm): 

1. The semicircle of the neck - 14 

2. The semicircle of the chest - 32 

3. Back length to waist - 28 

4. Shoulder width - 10 

5. Sleeve length - 42 

6. Coat length - 55 

Construction drawing of the pattern 

Draw a right angle with vertex at point A (Fig. 77). 

 The depth of the armhole. From point And put down 16.7 cm - 1/3 measurements of the semicircle of the breast plus 6 cm for all sizes - and the point G.

AG = 32 : 3 + 6 = 16,7 cm

 The width of the coat on the chest. From the point G to the right will draw a horizontal line and place a 42 cm - the measure of the semicircle of the breast plus 10 cm for all sizes. A new point will be denoted by G1.

ГГ1 = 32 + 10 = 42 cm

Through the point G1 in the up and down will draw a vertical line. 

 Waist length. From point A down put 28 cm - measure the length of the back to the waist and put the point T. From the point T to the right will draw a horizontal line (waist line) to the intersection with a vertical line and put the point T1. 

 The length of the coat. From point A down put 55 cm - measure the length of the coat and put the H-point. From this point, the right will draw a horizontal line to the intersection with a vertical line and put the point H1. 

Construction of backrest 

 Width of backrest. From the point G to the right put 15.7 cm - 1/3 measurements of the semicircle of the breast, plus 5 cm for all sizes - and the point G2.

ГГ2 = 32 : 3 + 5 = 15,7 cm

From point G2 to restore the perpendicular to the upper horizontal line. The point of intersection will be denoted by P. 

 the Width of the openings. From a point G2 to the right put 10 cm - 1/4 measurements of the semicircle of the breast plus 2 cm for all sizes - and put an end G3.

Г2Г3 = 32 : 4 + 2 = 10 cm.

 Neck. From point A the right postpone 5.6 cm - 1/3 measurements of the semicircle neck plus 0.5 - 1 cm for all sizes.

14 : 3 + 1 = 5.6 cm.

From point of 5.6 put up 1.5 cm and put the point S. the Point A and W connecting concave line. 

 The slope of the shoulder. From point P down set aside 1.5 cm 

 shoulder Line. From point W through point 1.5 (slope shoulder) we'll draw a line shoulder length 11cm - measurement of the width of the shoulder plus 1 cm for all sizes - and the point P1. 

 Line openings. From the point G2, dividing the angle in half, set aside 2 see the Line of openings we draw from points P1, touching the line ПГ2, through point 2 to point G4. 

 Line Boca. From a point G2 to the right set aside 3 cm and put an end G4. From the point G4 drop the perpendicular to the lower line and points of intersection denoted by T2 and H2. 

 Line of the side seam. From the point T2 to the right put a 2, see the line of the side seam spend points G4 through the point 2 to the intersection with the lower line. The point of intersection will be denoted by H3. 

 The bottom line is. From the point H3 up the line of the side seam set aside 1 cm Point 1 is connected to the bottom line.

The construction of the front 

 Height of the shelves. From the point G1 put up 18.7 cm - armhole depth plus 2 cm for all sizes. The point SH1.

Г1Ш1 = 16,7 + 2 = 18,7 cm

 Neck. From a point SH1 to the left will have a horizontal line of arbitrary length, lay to the left and down 5.6 cm - 1/3 measurements of the semicircle neck plus 1 cm for all sizes - and put the point ø2 (left) and SH3 (bottom). Point ø2 and ø3 of the connected dotted lines that divide in half. From the points of division at right angles to the dotted line put 1.5 cm of the Point ø2, ø3 1.5 and connecting concave line. 

 Shoulder line. From the point of G3 are holding up perpendicular to the top horizontal line. The point of intersection will be denoted by P2. From that point down put a 3, see Point 3 and R2 combine and will set aside 10 cm - measure the width of the shoulder. 

 Line openings. From the point G3, dividing the angle in half, set aside 1.5 cm and up 4 see Points 10 and 4 connected by the dashed line, which divide in half. From the dividing point to the right at a right angle to the dotted line put 0.5 cm Line, the armhole will have from point 10 through point of 0.5, 4, 1.5, and G4. 

 Line the side seam. From the point T2 to the left put 2 cm and put an end 2. From the point G4 through the point 2 draw the side seam line to the intersection with the bottom line. The point of intersection will be denoted by H4. From the point N4 up postpone 1 cm and put an end H5. 

 The waist line. From point T1 put down 2 cm and the connect point 2 with point 2 (side seam). 

 Line the bottom of the coat. From point D1 put down 2 cm. and point 2 is connected to the point N5. 

 The increase on the zipper. Point-2 (lower line) and SH3 right put on 4 see Point 4 and 4 connected. From point 4 (top) set aside 1 cm up, points 1 and SH3 joined by concave line.

Construction drawing patterns double seam sleeves 

The plotted rectangle АА1Н1Н (Fig. 78). 

 Sleeve length. Line rectangle and an А1Н1 equal to 42 cm scoop length sleeves. 

 Sleeve width. Lines AA1 and НН1 equal to 18.7 cm - 1/3 measurements of the semicircle of the breast plus 8 cm for all sizes.

32 : 3 + 8 = 18,7 cm

 The height of the crown. From point A down put 12.6 cm - 3/4 the depth of the openings of the main pattern coat - and put the point R. From point R to the right will draw a horizontal line to the intersection with the line А1Н1. A new point will denote a point of p.

AR = 16,7 : 4 X 3 = 12,6 cm

 The elbow line. Vertical lines PH and Р1Н1 divide in half, and the points of division joined. New points will be denoted by L and L1. 

The construction of the upper half of the sleeve 

 Front seam. From the point N to the right set aside 3 cm and from point 3 up - 2 cm, the point H2. Point p, and H2 connected with a dotted line and the point of intersection with the second line towards the right put 1 see the Line hold the front joint of the point R through point 1 and H2. 

 Line of lifts the shoulders. From the point A1 to the left put 8 cm and put a point On, down to 4 cm and the point P2. Points O, P, and P2 connected by dashed lines. The line OP divide into 3 equal parts and from dividing up at right angles to the dotted line put: bottom, 0.5 cm, upper - 2 cm Line ОР2 divide in half, and from the point of dividing up set aside 1 cm Line of the top part of a sleeve carried out through the point R, Of 0.5, 2, O, 1, and P2 

 the Elbow seam and hem sleeves. From the point H1 to the left set aside 3 cm and the point N3. Line elbow weld hold to the point P2 through the points P1, L1 and N3. Line the bottom of the sleeves carry through the points N2 and N3. 

Building a lower half sleeve 

From point R to the right along the dotted line PP2 set aside 3 cm for all sizes and the point P3. From point 1 (elbow line) and the point H2 (the bottom line) put at 3 cm and put the points N2 and N4. Line front joint conduct through the points P3, L2 and L4. 

 Line the notches of the sleeve. From the point P2 to the left on the dotted line put 5 cm and the point P4. Line Р3Р4 divide in half, and from the dividing point down at right angles to the dotted line put 3 see Line seizure conduct from the point P3 through point 3 to point P4. 

 Line elbow weld. From the point L1 to the left put 2 cm from the point H3 to the left 1 see Line elbow weld hold from the point P4 through the point 2 and 1.

Category: Sew yourself | Added by: 12.10.2017
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