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Home » Articles » Sew yourself

Construction drawings of patterns, cutting and sewing of women clothes


Size 48
product length....................................................... 100 cm
back length to waist............................................... 38 cm
front length 50 cm minus 1/6 of the circumference of the neck.......... 44 cm
length to the hips........................................................ 19 cm
shoulder length . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... 14 cm
neck circumference........................................................ 18 cm
the circumference of the chest..................................................... 48 cm
the circumference of the armhole................................................... 39 cm

Build back. Fig. 120

Take a straight angle A. From the point A to the right of the line plan delayed 20 cm from calculation 1/2 neck circumference plus 2 cm: neck circumference 36: 2 + 2 = 20 cm.
From point A vertically down to 100 cm - the length of the product.
From point A to the right of the line plan delayed 6 cm from a calculation of 1/6 neck circumference: neck circumference 36: 6 =b, see
From point A vertically lowered to 2 cm, point 2 and point 6 connect the free curved line by hand and get the neck back.
From a point 20 at a right angle down to 5 cm (bevel shoulder for all sizes). Point 5 and point 6 connected by a straight line and get a 15 cm shoulder (shoulder 14 cm+ 1 cm on the landing).
From point 5 we omit the dashed vertical line 17 cm from the calculation of 1/3 of the circumference of the armhole plus 4 inches: the circumference of the openings 39 is: 3+ 4= 17 cm
Through the point 17 draw a horizontal line of the chest 22 cm from the calculation of 1/4 the circumference of the chest minus 2 cm (2 cm removed for all sizes): bust 96: 4 - 2=22 cm
From the 22 point drop a vertical line to the bottom of the product and is connected to point 100. The resulting angle is denoted by the point D.
From point 2 (neck) vertically lowered to 38 cm length to waist. From the point 38 to the right draw a horizontal waist line and denotes the point T.
From point 38 is vertically lowered to 19 cm from calculation 1/2 length back to waist: back length to waist 38: 2 = 19 cm
From the point 19 to the right draw a horizontal line of the hips and denoted by the point B. Line the sides of the back from point 22 to point T note by two lines, from point T to point D - three dashes. These lines will set the length of the sides of the front.
Draw armhole. From point 17 on the line of the dotted line rises 2.5 cm, the distance between a point 2.5 to 5-point divide in half, from the dividing point to the left at a right angle lay off 1 cm From point 1 (the armhole) to the left, draw a horizontal line the width of the back. Concave line from the hand connected to point 5 through point 1, point 2.5 point 22 and get the armhole of the back.
On the waist line set the tuck. From the point 38 to the right put off 6 cm from a point 6 raised dotted line so that it never reached the chest by 5 cm From point 6 we omit the dashed line, which does not reach the hip line at 4 cm From point 6 to the right and left waist-delayed, 1,5 cm (depth tuck 3 cm). Point 5 connected straight lines with point 1.5 and point of 1.5. Point 4 is also connected by straight lines with points of 1.5.
From the point T to the left waist-delayed 2 cm, point 2 connected by a straight line with the point 22.
The hips are taken from the calculation of the 1/4 thigh circumference minus 2 cm: circumference of hips 100: 4 - 2 = 23 cm.
By drawing the hips is equal to the breast line 22 see Therefore from point B postpone 1 cm to the right From point 2 (waist) through the point 1 hold line the sides of the dress to the hem. Attached to the bottom, the resulting angle is denoted by point D1. From point D1 rises to 1.5 cm, and free the line by hand combine point to 1.5 with the middle of the bottom of the product.
Mid-back - share.

Build shelves. Fig. 121

Take a straight angle A. From point A the left on line plan-delayed 27 cm from calculation 1/2 neck circumference plus 2 cm (freely turning the shoulders), plus 7 cm to tuck: neck circumference 36: 2+ 2 + 7 = 27 cm
From point A to the left of the line plan delayed 7cm calculate 1/6 of the circumference of the neck plus 1 cm: neck circumference 36: 6+ 1= 7, see
From the point 7 to the left of the line plan delayed 4 cm (for all sizes), from point 4 down to 1 cm, point 1 and point 7 connected by a straight line and get the shoulder part of the shelves.
From point 1 we omit the dashed vertical line 20 cm (length tuck). From a point 20 right delay 1 see Point 1 connected by straight line with point 1 (shoulder) and get the first line of the length of the tuck.
From point 4 to the left of the line plan delayed 7 cm (the depth of the tuck).
Point 7 connected by a straight line with point 1 (the length of the tuck) and on this line lay off a length equal to the length of the first tuck (this line until the plan comes). The height of the tuck-defined point B.
From a point 27 falls to 7.5 cm from the calculation of the bevel shoulder 4 cm plus 1/2 tuck: bevel shoulder 4 + 7: 2=7.5 cm.
Point of 7.5 connecting a straight line with a point and we get the second part of the shoulder shelves.
From the point of 7.5 the dotted line 16 cm, parallel to the inclined line of the tuck, at the rate of 1/3 of the circumference of the armhole plus 3 cm: the circumference of the openings 39 is:3+3 = 16 cm
16 through the point draw a horizontal line chest 31 cm from the calculation of 1/4 the circumference of the chest plus 2 cm (taken from the back), plus 5 cm for loose fit chest: chest circumference 96: 4+ 2 + 5 = 31 see
A drawn armhole shelves. From a point 16 up the line of the dotted line-delayed 2 cm, dotted line from point 2 to point 7,5 divide in half, from the dividing point to the right at a right angle lay off 1.5 cm From the point 16 to the left on the chest line-delayed 2 cm, the line from point 2 to point 31 divide in half, from the dividing point downwards at a right angle lay off 1.5 cm Concave line from the hands of the join point through the point 7,5 1,5, point 2, point 2, point 1.5 point 31 and get the armhole shelves.
From point A on a vertical fall of 8 cm is based 1/6 neck circumference plus 2 cm: neck circumference 36: 6 + 2 = 8 cm.
Point 7 and point 8 connect the straight dashed line, dotted line, divide in half, from point A through the point of division the dotted line and put it on her 7.5 cm from calculation 1/2 the amount of points: point 7 + point 8 = 15; 15: 2 = 7.5 cm.
Concave line from the hand from point 7 through point of 7.5 to 8 point plotted neck shelves.
From a point 31 drop length of sides equal to the length of the sides of the backrest to the hip line (from point 22 to point B) . By T we denote the length of the line flanks to the waist line, equal to line the sides of the back from point 22 to point T (on the drawing marked by two lines).
Line side from a point T to point B is equal to the hip line of the back from point T to point B (in the drawing indicated by three dashes).
From point A on a vertical drop of 44 cm calculate the length of the front 50 cm minus 1/6 neck circumference: front length 50 - 36 : 6 = 44 cm.
Point T connect free line with the point 44. From point 44 down at the hips equal to the length of the hips from point T to point B, and denoted by the point B1. Point B1 is connected to the point B from the hands free the line parallel to the waist line. The hips are taken from the calculation of the 1/4 thigh circumference plus 2 cm (from the back), plus 5 cm for loose fit hip: circumference of hips 100: 4 + 2 + 5 = 32 cm.
From T point to the right waist-delayed 2 cm, point 2 connected by a straight line with point 31.
From point 2 (waist line) through the point 32 (the hip line) draw a line the sides of the front equal to the length line of the sides of the back from point 2 (waist) to 1.5 m (bottom), and denoted by the point D.
From point 44 down to postpone the mid-length of the front equal to the length of the sides of the front from point 2 to point D, and is denoted by point D1. Skirt length from waist to all points of the bottom of the same. Point D and point D1 of the connected hand-free line.
On the waist line Darts in the set. From point 44 to the left waist-delayed 9 cm, from point 9 up conduct a dashed vertical line (parallel to the middle of the front) so that it won't reach the chest line at 6 cm From point 9 we omit the dashed vertical line (also, in the middle of the front), which does not reach the hip line at 4 cm From point 9 at the waist right and left delayed by 2 cm (depth of the Darts 4cm). Straight lines connecting point 6 point 2 point 2 point 4 point 2 and point 2.
From point 16 (openings) omit the dashed vertical line that crosses the waist line and does not reach the hip line on the 4 see the intersection of the lines dotted line and the waist line denoted by point B1. From the point B1 to the right and left waist-delayed, 1,5 cm (depth tuck 3 cm). From point 16 down the line of dashes down to 6 cm of Straight lines connecting point 6 point 1,5, 1,5, point 4 with point 1.5 and point of 1.5 and we get a tuck.
The line width of the breast is determined from a point 1.5 (openings) up to the middle of the front, excluding the tuck. The middle of the front, from point 8 to point D1. Sleeve, collar, and cuffs to the dress based on the drawings, sleeves, collar and cuff blouse with tuck.

Category: Sew yourself | Added by: 12.10.2017
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