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Home » Articles » Sew yourself


Cuffs, like collars, can be a variety of shapes and styles. Depending on the style of dress or blouse selected and the shape of the cuffs. Cuff should be in harmony with the shape of collar, pockets, valves, straps and other items of women's clothing. The dresses sport suit buttoned cuffs (No. 1, 6), casual dress for work - cuff number 2, 7, 8.

For elegant dresses and blouses cuffs can be embellished with embroidery (No. 4), frills (No. 5), edging of contrasting fabric (No. 7) or a fan (No. 3). The shirts sport type sleeves are made wide and high lapels with decorative stitching (No. 8). 

The drawing pattern cuff need to take measurements of the semicircle of the wrist. In our example, this measurement is equal to 9 see 

Construction drawing patterns 

The plotted rectangle ABC (Fig. 49 a) for models No. 2, 4 and 7. 

 The length of the cuff. Lines AB and GW is equal to 22 cm (measurement of the wrist circumference plus 4 cm for all sizes): 9 x 2 + 4 = 22 cm

 The width of the cuff. Lines BH and BV is equal to 16 cm for all sizes. 

The bottom corners depending on the cuff style can round out or expand. 

 The bend line. Lines BH and BV will split in half and the dividing point connected. 

Cuff No. 1, 6. The plotted rectangle ABC (Fig. 49 b). 

 The length of the cuff. Lines AB and GW is equal to 22 cm (wrist circumference plus 4 cm for all sizes): 9 x 2 + 4 = 22 cm 

 Width cuff. Lines BH and BV is equal to 7 cm (for all sizes). 

 Area cuff. Line BV share in half and the dividing point to the right put 4 see Point B, 4 and the mating or rounds. The cuff is double.

Category: Sew yourself | Added by: 12.10.2017
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