Dress cutting through the waist, the skirt 8 of the blade with the original location of the strips on the skirt (Fig. 21).
The upper part of the bodice, and wide straps.
A dress of this style for slim figure can be prioraty at the waist.
The fabric consumption for the style of dress for a width of 90 cm - 4 - 4.5 m 44 - 48 dimensions.
Style developed on the pattern of the basic drawing of the bodice.
Drawing style lines on the pattern and obtaining the modified pattern
When cutting pattern pieces be put so that the direction of the grain lines on the fabric coincides with the direction of the grain lines on the pattern (Fig. 22).
For cutting skirts take measurements of the full waist circumference (=76 cm) and divide it by the number of wedges, in this case eight. 76 : 8 = 9,5 + 3,5 (for seams) = 13 cm - the width of the wedge at the waist.
The width of the bottom of the wedge needs to be 3 times wider than the wedge at the waist: 13 x 3 = 39 cm.
From bottom line on the first line of wedge put 35 cm at the 15 cm Point 35 and 15 connect.
Pattern pieces will be numbered and indicate the direction of grain lines.
For belt take a strip of cloth with a width of 6 - 8 cm, a length equal to the circumference of the waist, plus 25 - 30 cm.
Wedges skirt cut on the fabric in the expanded view, parts of shelves and back - fabric, folded in half, face inward (Fig. 23).