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Home » Articles » Sew yourself

Shirt for girls (size 30)

To build the drawing pattern must be removed following measurements (in cm): 

1. The semicircle of the breast - 30 

2. Length of shirts - 40 

Construction drawing patterns 

The plotted rectangle АА1НН1. Side of the rectangle АН1 and А1Н equal to 40 cm - measure the length of the shirt (Fig. 75 a).

Side AA1 and Н1Н equal to 17 cm - 1/2 measurements of the semicircle of the breast plus 2 cm for all sizes: 30 to 2 + 2 = 17 see 

 the depth of the openings. From point A down set aside 13 cm - 1/2 chest semicircle minus 2 cm for all sizes - and put an end to G: 30 : 2 - 2 = 13 cm From point G to the right will draw a horizontal line to the intersection with the line А1Н and the point G1. 

 The neckline backless. From point A down and to the right put at the 7 cm - 1/4 of the semicircle of the breast and the point W and the point of SH1. Connect these points concave line. 

 The neckline of the front. From a point SH1 put down 3 inches and put a point ø2. Point ø2 and ø connecting concave line. 

 The width of the shoulder line and armhole. From the point W to the right set aside 3 cm and the point P. This point is connected to the point G1 with a dotted line, which divide into 3 equal parts. From the top at a right angle to the dotted line put 2 cm, and from the bottom of division 3, see Line openings will draw from the point P through the points 2, 3 to the point G1.

 Line sides. From the point N to the right put 6 cm for all sizes and this point is connected to point G1. 

 The bottom line is. Distance НН1 divide in half. From point 6 up the line of side set aside 1.5 cm for all sizes, and this point is connected with the point of division. 

Finish for shirts can serve as lace, embroidery, frills, etc. 

 the layout on the fabric. The middle of the pattern front and back affixed to the fold of the fabric at common thread (Fig. 75 b). The shirt can be cut without cutting at the shoulder line.

Category: Sew yourself | Added by: 12.10.2017
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