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The art of dressing

In order to dress up, you need to be able to choose clothes, to be able to wear it and care for it.
Many fashion magazines offer a variety of styles and designs. Our "Book on the culture of life", of course, can not repeat these periodicals. We will talk only about the basics of choosing clothes that stay true longer and are not at risk, like fashions, become outdated quickly.
One of the crucial conditions of the correct choice of clothing is taste. It helps not only to find your dress the most pleasant color combinations and the best style, but also to determine the suitability of clothing composition, appearance, age.
You can't teach a person to become a talented artist or fashion designer, as well as it is impossible to endow it with some special talent or perfect artistic taste. But it is necessary and in those areas of our life that require taste, you can develop it and learn to distinguish beautiful things from ugly.
To train your palate, you need to look closely at the folk art and paintings by great artists, an inexhaustible treasure of colours, which is nature. Very useful to go to exhibitions, museums, theatres, cinema, demonstrations of new clothes in the homes of models. You need to learn how to carefully and critically look at the things on the street, in a shop window, exhibition stand, to the extent possible, consult with experts, to enlist the help of a book, magazine, monograph.

Taste and fashion

Everyone has their own preferences, their own ideas about beauty, particularly the beauty of the clothes.
One likes simply dresses and suits, the other more intricate; one prefers red, the other green shades.
Nevertheless, we know that in all times there were models of colors and shades, that have found General acceptance, consistent with the tastes of many people. This explains the existence of fashion, which reflects customary for this society and for this time the taste in clothes, says the line of cut and combination of colors that seem to many people the most acceptable and beautiful.
Widespread throughout the world European costume testifies to the commonality of tastes of millions of people in the same way as the national costume reflects not only the peculiarities of life and national features of a people, but its established, well-established tastes.
However, it would be unreasonable to claim that because fashion is defined common in this period, the idea of beauty of clothing, and the industry, the Studio and home models at the release of its products are guided by them, the selection of clothing is extremely easy, and buying fashion items, acquire the best.
Of course, this opinion is erroneous, and primarily because not all and not in any fashion really beautiful. Happened before and no doubt will continue to be beautiful and ugly, useful and useless in fashionable novelties. Typically the styles and models that do not possess a valid aesthetic and practical advantages, quickly become obsolete and "disappearing", but they emerge and spread.
Taste helps to appreciate fashion and its instructions, to distinguish genuine beauty and attractiveness from campy and fake originality, catchiness, unusual forms and color combinations.
You need to look closely at fashion, and, guided by their needs and external data, to select for themselves the most beautiful, comfortable and practical.
Every fashion differs from the previous mainly by changes in the overall shape of the garment and the overall appearance of the dress, which professionals call silhouette. Here is how schematically are the silhouettes of the clothes from different years.

Often, when considering a fashion magazine, consulting with the seller or tailor, buyers and customers seeking to understand what the collars, pockets, what length or width the most popular in this season. They forget that fashion defines not so much the individual parts and decorations, as the overall silhouette of the clothing, her figure, contour, outline.

The most common silhouettes of women's clothing 1962

In fashion magazines there are different styles: wide, narrow and short and long dresses and skirts, those and other details. But all these models are distinguished by a specific shape, characteristic of this fashion.
Any fashionable clothes you can improve and worsen.
The silhouette of the model, common in 1926, now seems unattractive. Sort of disrupted the natural proportions of the female figure - the waist line is omitted, which visually lengthens the torso and shortens the legs. But despite such a violation of the proportions of the figure, even at that time it was possible to find the most suitable model, which would soften all the sharp and pointed fashion.

The model changes depending on the shape and age

The same phenomenon was observed with the appearance of fashion 1940 - 1941 years, when women's and men's clothes began to apply advanced and raised the shoulder line.
People with good taste, having a sense of proportion, used the fashionable headphones moderately, given his build, and those who are chasing fashion and inaudible treated her, I put a huge cotton "pillows", and often this piece of clothing turned the normally composed man in the hunchback.
In our days the accepted silhouette of women's dress is the following (see Fig. 3).
Today it seems attractive to us. He emphasizes and brings out the natural proportions of the figure.
Perhaps these lines are already accustomed eyes, and we are not objective in their assessment, and further, with changing fashion, you'll find some of their shortcomings. But while this cut is widely distributed.
However, with all the advantages of such models can be used in different ways. In some cases, you only need to make some corrections: not so sharply to emphasize the waistline not so much to shorten the skirt, keeping a fashionable silhouette.

These models can visually "conceal" unwanted fullness

The ability to make such amendments need to everyone.
It would be unworthy occupation to spend all my free time in front of a mirror, carefully studying her face and figure. But to learn, in the mirror, critically evaluate your appearance is necessary for those who wants to brighten up their shortcomings, if any, to mitigate them to the extent possible, to correct. It is quite affordable and with the help of daily exercises, physical training and sports, combined with a balanced diet, and with proper winter clothing.
Good taste in clothing is a healthy, natural tendency to really harmonious, beautiful, and elegant. The strictness and exactingness of its distinguishing features. He cannot tolerate any excesses.
Exaggeration fashion line or even some details in the clothes is a sign of bad taste. Everything that is not justified and applies only in order to attract attention, to stand out, not good neither clothes, nor the man who wears it.

Top model visually reduces the stoop. The other three models are recommended for tall women

When changing fashions and the emergence of new often, especially in foreign journals and appear dramatically underlined, extravagant designs. But in the future the fashion like is formed and all excess, sverhoriginalnogo, inconvenient and unacceptable for most "settles to the bottom", disappears. Persist longer patterns and colors that actually match the common taste, convenient, beautiful, practical and appropriate.

The top right model is good for flat-chested; the top left is recommended when you are short waist, bottom right - with narrow hips and bottom left - low waist

Category: Sew yourself | Added by: 12.10.2017
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