Dress main
For convenience and beauty of clothes very much as we have already noted, to match the environment in which it is worn. This forces everyone to have in his wardrobe dresses for different purposes: for home, street, work, holidays and more.
But extremely comfortable and pleasant, and when you have one or two versatile dresses. They can be worn at home and in the family circle, and when you come friends, and in those cases when not returning home after work, you want to go to visit or to the theater.
As a rule, everyone has a dress that is worn more and more. It is not too dressy and not too prosy, you have to choose carefully. After all, it must meet the business environment and at the same time be such that the woman felt it to be quite well dressed and home and away.
Versatile dress it is advisable to sew from fabric of good quality, which long retains its color and the shape fit.
We used to think that winter dresses best pure wool, and for summer - silk. Now, when the woven fabrics of artificial and synthetic fibers, with less, and in some cases greater advantages - strength, crease-resistance, color stability, a range of beautiful, sturdy fabrics became much more diverse.
Of course, it's nice if the dress fit "on all occasions" has a modern, trendy cut. But some amendments still have to be paid, as, for example, too narrow or long skirt will embarrass you in the office and home environment, as well as narrow and long sleeve will interfere with work.
The 3/4 sleeve is the best for such versatile dresses. Good for him and the little cleavage that, not constraining, allows you to decorate dress a variety of collars, beads, shirt-fronts and to give it the necessary diversity.
It has long been accepted that a black dress is always elegant, but unfortunately, this color is not the most practical for clothes, worn every day, and not for everyone.
Of course, the dress that is worn as often quickly get bored and become familiar, if it is made bright, colorful fabric. It will be difficult to diversify in a different zone, a different collar, not to mention the fact that it is not suitable for business environment.
Most suitable dyed or melkouzorchaty tissue that soft colors that you most is. Calm, soft shades of blue, brown, gray, red, green are particularly recommended for the garment. It is easier to find suitable accessories. In choosing the color need to be considered with the fashion season.
Women's costume
This women's clothing appeared relatively recently, in the beginning of our century. It was distinguished then simply cut, very similar in its lines to that of man. Since then, the styles of women's costumes got a lot of variety and apart from the so-called English, strict style, fashion offers a variety of other designs, more feminine, soft, loose.
Well-tailored English suit is indispensable. On the street, in the theatre, at a party, in concert and in the restaurant, at the meeting, in a more or less festive atmosphere you will be always well and tastefully dressed. Its suitability to different conditions and ensures correct selection of accessories. Dressy blouse and shoes make this garment suitable for all ceremonial and festive occasions, and with a simple blouse, it's comfy for each day.
Strict conformity of the style and fabrics, careful processing of all parts is the best decoration of this modest and very elegant women's clothing. For her I think it is expedient and economical of expensive fabric, as a strict English suit, little change under the influence of fashion and with careful handling it can be worn for several years.
Women suits: "Fantasia", athletic, English
Good in this case, wool fabric and soothing colour tones. They are not required too soft and ability to drape, because the cut of the suit is based on direct and strict lines. But the elasticity they require. Depending on the fashion use fabric plain dyed or with a weaving pattern of small squares, strips, hem. But we should always remember that the distinctive features of this garment - the austerity and simplicity and it is to a much greater extent than any other, is losing from all the excesses, from trendy or extravagant details and ornaments.
Black suit (though it should be noted that for everyday fashion it is not recommended) to wear with dressy blouses from beautiful fabrics. In most cases, preferable front white blouses.
Beautiful black shoes of thin leather, lacquer and suede or suede and thin stockings are the necessary accessory of the toilet. Usually such a suit and pick up the black bag.
To the dark blue suit are red, white, yellow accessories with grey, blue, red, yellow, green. But remember that the hue of these colors depends largely on how well they will harmonize with each other.
In addition to English, widespread suits the so-called sport type. They feature a less restrictive fit, greater freedom in the drawing of details - pockets, collars. They are very young women and girls. They are made of quite dense and soft fabrics in various shades, lighter and more elegant, dyed and print.
In General it should be said that modern fashion offers women's suits of many kinds. In a wide and very diverse assortment that uses different fabrics - wool and wool blend, natural and artificial silk, synthetic fiber and cotton, for women's suits "Fantasia". Depending on the fashion, these costumes are casual, and sew longer and shorter, poluprilegayuschy, free and in the waist, with long and medium length sleeves, wide and narrow,
Skirts and blouses
Skirts and blouses - a necessary accessory of the wardrobe of young girls and women. Skirts worn with jumpers, sweaters, diverse knitted blouses and a variety of blouses. Like any other clothing, the skirt must conform to the accepted fashion silhouette.
Really good with a skirt and blouse for tall and slim women. When excessive fullness, particularly at low growth, this toilet is not always suitable, because it emphasizes these features of the addition.
Its the cut of the skirt are divided into straight, flared, widening and narrowing downwards. For straight skirts are most suitable in thick woolen or cotton fabric, heavier silk; for skirts, flared - any niitakayama fabric. Skirts, flared, can be made from four or more wedges from any material. Finally, the skirt, tapering downwards, having the shape of a barrel, are best obtained from a dense, not too soft fabrics that hold their shape well - taffeta or some thick cotton fabric.
For pleated skirts thin wool is recommended. Very convenient for them also woven fabrics of synthetic fibers, which remain pleated even after washing and need no Ironing.
Remember that pleated skirts and skirts with pleats in the back are not practical as clothing for office environment.
Summer dresses
For his summer clothes we choose fabrics with high thermal conductivity, lightweight, and particularly well painted, do not fade in the sun and no fading from frequent washing.
Fashion recent admits for summer dresses and sundresses more vivid colors and images. These fabrics combine well with a summer landscape, bright color green. They are especially attractive to nature during walks in the country, at the resort.
Summer dress for work should be, of course, less bright.
Beautiful summer dress can be made not only of light silk fabrics, synthetic fiber, but from cotton fabrics: calico, poplin, satin, pique and others. The advantage of the latter in ease of care.