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The art of dressing

Dress should be able to wear

, We often make a complaint to the cutters and foremen, accusing them that they failed to make the cut that was chosen, and it sits ugly, baggy. 
In some cases these claims really true. But many would be wise to listen to the comments of the specialists, who with no less grounds to argue that not everyone is able to wear and well-cut clothes and often dress that was during the trying quite delicate appearance, loses all its elegance after its delivery to the customer.
Let's think about whether all cases where the dress sits badly and clumsily, blame the cutter, it only depends on the attractiveness of the clothes. 
- Keep right,- said the master during the trying. But without such indication, each standing in front of a mirror, reflecting him in full height, involuntarily tightened, straightens his shoulders, lifts his head, pulls the stomach, so it takes the most beautiful pose. 

During the trying of the dress is fitted to such a toned figure, she fits and sits well.
But when starting to wear it, we adopt a conventional pose, and change your figure, and dress, do not fit it is either baggy or too prolonged, and in some places formed lines and wrinkles. 
Does it follow that being in the dressing room, no need to straighten up, but better to keep the familiar, but ugly posture. Of course not.
Modeling clothing based on full compliance fitting addition this person. It must take into account those features that are difficult or impossible to eliminate. But ugly posture is not the one drawback that cannot be eliminated. The ability to hold, easy to move, nice to stand and sit in vast majority of cases, is not innate. Education and training give good results. Often we are surprised how it changed and improved the posture of a man in the army, what became the taut figure of the athlete.
The modest dress is especially attractive to pull up the man. It seems elegant, if the beautiful and easy walk. And when we say, "This dress fits so well, as if you were born in it" - this praise can usually be addressed not only to the tailor, but someone who wears your clothes. 
Correct posture is necessary not only to master the art of dressing. The most important thing is that it largely depends on our health. One who is poorly kept, poorly breathing, and gets tired quickly.

You can choose the style of dress or coat, to a certain extent soften the stoop of the figure, visually make you slimmer and houdewives, but it is only the so-called cosmetic ways. They in any way do not eliminate any stooping or excessive fullness. 
At your disposal there are other, more effective means. To resort to them everyone can. But of course the sooner you do, the better.
Slouching in vast majority of cases, is not an organic feature of the addition. Bad habit to hunch appears often in early childhood. And if you don't fight this, then the child grows, his stooped posture increases. 
And not only a kindergarten and a school must educate a correct posture, but at home you need to follow the rests and sits child in their games and activities. 
Beautiful and for men and for women find a posture in which the head is kept straight, not too laid back, but not lowered and not involved in the shoulders.
Shoulders should be straight and slightly tilted back, stomach. 
A good walk should be easy and rhythmic. The woman is beautiful soft step without excessive rocking forward or to the side, the man - step is sufficiently vigorous, clear.

As for men unacceptable small, mincing gait, so the woman is not too vigorous stomp. A step is particularly ugly when a woman dressed smartly in high heels.
Habit to tilt your upper torso forward and bend during walking the knee is not only ugly - in this gait, the person gets tired quickly.
Bound, too rigid and straight position of the body ("ramrod straight> as they say in these cases) ugly. Necessary quality correct posture is natural and relaxed. They are purchased only once formed automatically operable habit. That is why it is recommended to instill these skills in early childhood.
Good results are obtained by training its manners to go and stay also at a later age. Try to control your posture, and if you are accustomed to stoop, to lower the shoulders and bow their heads low, sitting at the table, force yourself for several weeks at any job to sustain correct position. After making this decision, do not let yourself descent. Just a strange situation to be tedious and require constant attention. And then formed the useful habit, and the dignity which you will be able to quickly assess.
Excellent results are obtained daily morning exercise and all exercise and sports. They correct posture, and develop a rhythmic and easy step, and in many cases is able to eliminate excess fullness, which many complain stepped trecatoare-forty years of age.
A few kilograms of weight is harmful for your health and for appearance, the vast majority of cases is the result of laziness and addiction to food. If you paid 15 - 20 minutes a day exercise, forced myself to walk to or from work, adhere to a rational diet, you will be able to maintain the subtlety of the waist, slender and the same weight for many years.Passion for cakes and confectionery products, salty and fatty foods, to a large amount of fluid, the habit of always just drive and never walk the walk are the main causes in a healthy person the extra five or six pounds.
A prerequisite for the ability to dress, behaviour and manners of all women and girls is a femininity - the softness, the modesty, self-restraint, which sometimes create a greater attraction than beauty. 
The absence of sharp, loud is one of the characteristics of femininity. 
You can wear a suit, cut like a man's which can be worn in an appropriate setting pants, and these things will beautify a woman if she doesn't try too energetic and cheeky gestures, manners and gait tend to replace the woman's natural grace of movement.
Any clothes are better than sitting on a taut figure, and therefore women who want to dress nicely, should pay special attention to cosmetic underwear, that is, belts and bras. The cut and style of underwear requires skilled execution, as is highly essential in this case is not to change the natural addition, but to make the figure more harmonious shape and form.
Of course, a narrow waist or a tight bra is not able to turn full woman thin. But to tell the full figure and women necessary harmony - the problem is quite solvable. This does not need too much delayed. It is recommended to select the belt and the bra corresponding to the addition, and despite the defects it to apply to special workshops to do these things to order. 
It should also be recalled that sometimes requires special zone - before and after childbirth.
The ability to dress begins with caring not only about the top dress but also the lingerie, which is not visible. Not visible and not noticeable in this case, only that well-adjusted. 
Many women love beautiful lingerie. And really nice to wear clothes of good style, from beautiful fabrics. 
But the main thing is to match the clothes. Not good when in the narrow, covered dress loose linen wrinkles and creases, but the dress open, looking for a special cut of linen, spoil even the most beautiful straps, if they are visible.
The fashion in recent years introduced a petticoats for a short holiday and summer dresses. Of course, this skirt is beautiful enough, it needs stitching from suitable fabric, similar in color to the tone of the dress. To a simple summer dress in a good petticoat from podkarantinnogo Batiste or cotton Voile, volts, Maya, but for womens it is better to use nylon, taffeta, kanaus. 
Under a dress or blouse in white or transparent fabric with a small figure wearing only white underwear. A color-in this case ugly.
Neatness, tidiness, smartness - based skills to dress. Somehow buttoned, crumpled dress in conjunction with a sloppy hair, not clean shoes, with crooked or shot down by the heels, loose stockings, produce a most unfavourable impression on others. 
Often think that it is easy to look clean and neat in new clothes, and when it is demolished, it's impossible. But sometimes people in a new costume looks much more fit than someone who is wearing a newly sewn dress, but wearing it casually, not watching their toilet.
To always look neat, it is necessary to remember that, coming home, can't stay in holiday clothes and not change it at home, it is impossible to lie down to rest in a smart suit, clean the room, cook food, not wearing over a home dress apron. 
By following these rules, you will permanently save your stuff in good form. 
Clean and tidy is extremely conducive to work and rest. They are absolutely essential for health and well-being, for the most attractive appearance of a person of any profession, any age.
The one who really cares about their health and about their appearance, must love water, the best hygienic and cosmetic. Whenever possible, you should daily take a warm bath or shower or wash thoroughly in a basin. For women and girls of any age in the morning and evening obligatory special hygienic washing. 
Very nice, but does not need to use perfume. However, it is necessary that from the man exuded purity and freshness. Perfume or Cologne it is impossible to replace the water.
Really neat, really knows how to monitor their appearance and dress well the one who cultivates the habit to be equally clean, fresh, smart and neat in any conditions: at home and at work, on holidays and weekdays, in the presence of strangers and relatives. This applies to all people, women and men.
The desire to look in a festive atmosphere particularly elegant, feel well-dressed and naturally for women. But completely unnatural to lose all interest in their appearance and dress in the environment and the normal environment that surrounds you daily, that is, it was there and then where you see more and more often.
And if leaving the house makes every woman to pay little attention to their toilet, that sometimes those who spend their free time after work, the morning hours before work or the weekend with family, allow themselves to be offensive to others and demeaning to ourselves carelessness, explaining not only employment, but also the desire to rest.
In the last statement is the main fault of people who believe that an essential attribute of the holiday are the robe and Slippers. They need to, getting out of bed and quickly putting them on, you immediately, without delay, to do their toilet, and then to change these intimate environment, an ordinary home dress. 

For Breakfast, even in a free from work day, you need to get dressed and comb. It in any way does not spoil your holiday, on the contrary, you will feel toned.
Don't forget that clothing should be not only clean and tidy, but attractive enough. To wear a dress just because it spoiled a dressmaker or poorly chosen, as some do, is completely wrong. This dress need to alter, and in some cases repaint, but don't wear it, which affects your appearance. 
Of course, to what to wear for housework fancy dress. But choose a nice, simple and cheap fabric and matches your appearance style for the home need with no less care than the output clothes.
However, sometimes even such a good quality like accuracy, in the absence of a sense of proportion bring to absurdity, to boring, dull pedantry, when every piece of clothing seems to be glued to the hat sits as if it is firmly tied to the head, a bow of airy fabric firmly sewn, the hair is sleek. 
Extremely frustrating to see how your interlocutor or companion constantly sends her dress and hair, afraid of every step and unnecessary movements, fearing to crush his toilet. Usually these people seem to be unnaturally constrained.
Special concerns require a hairstyle and shoes. It's nice when a fashion hairstyle goes for looks, but it is not necessary to wear it if you bad. Short hair, hair, high hair or low hair knot - all relevant and admissible only under one condition: if it suits you and fits your age. 
In many cases it is preferable to choose something not too elaborate hairstyle and learn to do it myself, than from time to time going to the Barber's, intricate brush and in between these visits to go disheveled, sloppy, ugly-chosen hair.
Many women are shoes high heels. She emphasizes the elegance of fancy toilet, but it is necessary to get used to, otherwise uncertain, unstable gait can ruin any well-tailored dress. So if you can't wear high-heeled shoes, it is better not to refuse them, the more that modern fashion does not recommend very high heels even elegant clothes.
In recent years, fashion offers many styles and elegant summer dresses with a large neckline and sleeveless. You must have a sense of proportion and taste to decide whether this style is acceptable, corresponds to the addition and especially age. It cannot be recommended neither too full nor too thin women. And it goes without saying that such dress is not always appropriate. They can be worn on vacation at a resort, cottage, house, in a festive atmosphere, but in any case, not at work. 
Many women is the question whether they need a cosmetics and whether or not to use it.
In this case, even more than other issues regarding appearance and ability to dress, there can be no universal advice and guidance for each and every. 
One woman's face powder and lipstick perfectly acceptable, they decorate, the other loses from cosmetics. The taste and the mirror should tell you here the most correct and impartial decision.
It should only be noted: some women forget that makeup is not makeup and it does not change the appearance. Make-up - scene, but in real life he is rude, harsh and produces an unpleasant impression of something fake, flashy, and sometimes indecent. 
In his youth, the natural colors of the young person so fresh and attractive that they can not replace neither the most expensive face powder or lipstick. In old age other bright makeup will only emphasize the defects of age.
But this does not mean that always and in all appearance a woman should abandon cosmetics or the use of powder and lipstick testifies to the carelessness, the lack of serious interest. If you apply powder and lipstick in such quantities that you decorate is nice, if it doesn't suit you - give up on them. 
We will add only: when you use cosmetics, use them carefully and skillfully. Carelessly applied makeup ugly and too noticeable.
Hands and nails require care. Homemakers, must be especially careful to monitor their purity. 
It is not necessary to cover the nail varnish, but to cut the skin, to make sure that no burrs to file nails not too short and not grow very long is necessary. It's beautiful, hygienic, neat. 
To skin harmful too hot and too cold water, in particular abrupt change in water temperature. 
Before washing heavily soiled their hands should be wiped with a swab with vaseline or glycerine, then wash with warm water and soap.

Often believe that to preserve the freshness and purity of the skin to prevent its aging and premature wrinkles the best remedy cream, and massage. 
Undoubtedly medical cosmetics offers a pretty radical methods of prevention, treatment and elimination of skin defects.
And creams and a hydrating mask, massage, water and other procedures all the funds employed, has a healing effect on the skin. But cosmetologists consider first and foremost what skin people have different, and those procedures and tools that are useful, for example, for oily skin, not suitable for dry. 
You need to remember that the cream that is recommended to your friend may be unnecessary or even harmful.
In acute severe defects of the skin need to see a specialist. But in the care of normal skin need to take account of her condition, to be able to distinguish from overly dry overly oily and accordingly choose creams whose labels usually have instructions. 
Skin condition directly depends on the General condition of the whole body, and her defects often occur in connection with disease or impaired functioning of the digestive tract, nervous system, the functions of organs of internal secretion. And these causes must first be eliminated.
Violation of diet, sleep, rest, personal hygiene, insufficient exposure to fresh air, alcohol and nicotine are extremely harmful not only for whole body but also for the skin.

Category: Sew yourself | Added by: 12.10.2017
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