Skirts for girls of school age come in a wide variety of styles: double seam, in wedges, in a circular fold, sborochku, flared, Flirty, etc. For skirts, you can use any fabric depending on style and purpose.
Drawings patterns duhovnoi skirts are the basis for building skirts all styles. The drawing of the pattern, remove the following measurements (in cm):
1. Semicircle waist - 32
2. Semicircle hips - 38
3. Skirt length - 42
building a back half of a skirt
The plotted rectangle ТТ1Н1Н (Fig. 88 a).
The length of the skirt. Side of the rectangle, TN and Т1Н1 equal to 42 cm scoop length skirt.
The width of the skirt at the hip line. Side of the rectangle ТТ1 and НН1 equal to 19 cm - 1/2 measurements semicircle hips.
The calculation of the depth of the tucks on the waist line. To determine the depth of the tucks on the waist line, you need to know the difference between the measure of the semicircle of hips and size of the semicircle waist.
Merc semicircle hips plus 4 cm for all sizes, minus the measure of the semicircle waist: 38 + 4 - 32 = 10 cm.
Of this amount, 5 cm is removed in the side seam, 2 cm in the front tuck, 3 cm in the back tuck.
The height of the hips. From point T down put 15 cm and the point B. From it to the right will draw a horizontal line and the point of intersection will be denoted by B1.
Line of the hips. From point B1 up set aside 1 cm and connect this point with point B.
the waist and tuck. From the point T1 to the left will put aside 2.5 cm, from this point up - 1 see Point 1 and connect. The hips BB1 divide in half and from the dividing point to the left set aside 1 cm and a new point will be denoted by B2. From point B2 will hold up the dotted line and the point of intersection with the waist line will be denoted by T2. From this point the left and right set aside by 1.5 cm From point B2 up measure out 5 cm of the Point of 1.5, 5 and 1.5 connected.
Line of the side seam. From point 1 (the waist line) through point 1 (hips) draw the line of the side seam length 42 cm scoop length skirt. A new point will be denoted by H2.
The bottom line is. Point N and N2 connected.
Construction of front halves
The plotted rectangle ТТ1Н1Н (Fig. 88 b).
The length of the skirt. Side of the rectangle, TN and Т1Н1 equal to 42 cm scoop length skirt.
The width of the skirt at the hip line. Side ТТ1 and НН1 equal to 23 cm - 1/2 measurements semicircle hips plus 4 cm for all sizes.
The height of the hips. From point T down put 15 cm and the point B. From this point to the right will draw a horizontal line and put the point B1.
Line of the hips. From point B1 up set aside 1 cm and the point 1 connect to point B.
the waist and tuck. From the point T1 to the left will put aside 2.5 cm and from this point up - 1 see Points 1 & T connect. For the formation of tuck line BB1 divide in half and from the point of dividing up the dotted line. The point of intersection with the waist line will be denoted by T2. From the point T2 to the left and right measure out 1 cm From the dividing point (the hips) up set aside 5 cm Connect points 1, 5, 1 and form a tuck.
Line of the side seam. From point 1 (the waist line) through point 1 (hips) hold the line, side seam length 42 cm and the point H2.
The bottom line is. Point N and N2 connected.