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Home » Articles » Sewing for little

Baby dress


Costume sewing for children 1 year and older. This is a warm children's clothing. Costumes (Fig. 131) are worn over light dresses and under coats. Costumes for boys and girls sewn from cloth, velvet and other woolen and cotton fabrics.
The costume consists of trousers and jackets or pants and blouses.
Long pants (Fig. 132) sew with straps or without straps with a wide belt at the waist.

The drawing of this model of trousers, the following measurements are designed for children aged 1 year: pants length 42 cm; waist circumference of 52 cm; thigh circumference 58 cm
Drawings of the front and rear halves of the pants are built within one rectangle. Why in the left side of the sheet of paper we have to draw the rectangle ABGW (Fig. 133). One side of a rectangle is equal to the length of the product, and the other 1/3 of the circumference of the hips.

In the drawing, the straps are used the drawing, the straps are to short trousers (see Fig. 119).
The jacket can be straight or extended at the bottom, with collar or without collar. Usually the jacket is sewed on the lining from a silk or twill.
When creating drawings of the main parts of jacket can successfully use drawing jackets sleepwear (see Fig. 84, 85).
If the jacket is expanded at the bottom, you need to make changes in the drawings of the back and front.
If the jacket is with the pockets, for their cutting, you can use the drawing pockets made earlier (see Fig. 89).
The pattern sleeve is performed by drawing the sleeve sleepwear (see Fig. 86).

A drawing of the front halves of trousers 

  the bottom Line. From point G to the left horizontally to postpone the cut is about 1/3 of the segment BG. Through the obtained point to draw a vertical line where you defer down from the line BG 0.5 cm and put an end G.
From point B to defer up vertically 1 cm. Obtained point to connect with point G smooth concave line, which will underline the front and rear halves of the pants.
  Line stepper cut. From point To bottom vertically to postpone the cut is about 1/3 of thigh circumference minus 2 cm, and put a dot. Then connect the point D with the point H a straight line which is a line stepper slice both halves of the pants.
  Line a medium slice. Point To the left horizontally to postpone the cut, equal to 1/10 of the circumference of the hips minus 1 cm. Through the obtained point to draw a vertical line where you defer down from line AB is 2 cm and supply point E. Connect point E with point D of the concave line, as shown in the figure.
  The line side of the slice. From point A to postpone 1 cm to the right horizontally and to put the point Z. From this point to hold down a smooth curved line to point "B."
  the waist Line. Connecting point F with the point E slightly concave line.

A drawing of the back halves of trousers 

The drawing of the rear halves of the pants has a lot to do with drawing the front half, so you need to build only some of the lines.
  Line a medium slice. Point To the left horizontally to delay period equal to half the distance between the points E and b Through the obtained point to draw a vertical line where you defer from AB line segment equal to half cut plus 1 EV cm, and supply point 3. Then connect the dots 3 and D with a straight line.
  The waist line. To connect the point 3 with the point W of a convex smooth line.
  Line tuck. From point 3 to the left at the waist to postpone 5 - 6 cm and put the point which will mark the mid-tuck. From this point to omit the dotted vertical line length 4 - 5 cm and put a point I. At the waist to the right and left from the middle, tuck the delay to 1 see plotting points to connect with the point And straight lines.

Cutting and sewing of trousers 

Cutting a long pants is no different from cutting pajama pants.
Waist leave allowance for hemming.
Straps tailor the grain lines of the fabric.
It is necessary to leave seam: waist; step-by-step sections of 1 cm; in the remaining sections of 1.5 cm.
Long pants sew as well as short pants, only the front halves of the pants make on the lining.

Drawing back jacket

  Line the middle of the back. From point B (Fig. 134) to the left, continue the horizontal line on the 2 3 see the resulting point connected to point And the inclined line which will line the middle of the back.
  The line side of the slice. From the point D to the right to continue a horizontal line 1 - 2 cm Obtained point to connect point E of the inclined line, which will be a new line of side cut.

Drawing shelves jacket 

The horizontal line of the bottom to continue to the left by 1 - 2cm and the resulting point connected to point E of the straight line which will have a new line of side cut (Fig. 135).

The drawing of the collar

The drawing of the collar need to draw a rectangle ABGW (Fig. 136). The length of a rectangle is equal to half of neck 0.5 cm minus the Width of the rectangle is equal to 5 - 6 cm
  Line of the neck. From point B up vertically to postpone 2 cm and place the point D. Connect point D with the point d of the concave line, which will be the line of the neck of the collar.
  The outer line of the collar. From the point A to the right to hold the concave line parallel to the neck, keep it at 2 - 3 cm behind the line VG and to put the point E.
  the angle of the collar. Connect the dots f and G by a straight line. The angle of the collar can be left straight or round.
If jacket with pockets, for cutting them you can use the drawing pockets made earlier (see Fig. 89).

Cutting and sewing jackets 

Cutting and tailoring jackets suit is no different from cutting and sewing of the jacket of the pyjamas except for the fact that jacket for a suit are usually made in the lining, and the collar and side double.
The gasket in the side and collar cut out from a dense fabric. The gasket collar is placed on the wrong side of the collar and primetyvajut. Further tailoring of the collar is the same as the collar of the pajamas.
The finished jacket can be decorated with embroidery or a monogram, having them on the breast pocket.

Category: Sewing for little | Added by: 17.10.2017
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