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Home » Articles » Sewing for little

Children's nightgown

For shirts (Fig. 155) suitable thin, soft, plain or with a small figure of cloth from natural fibers such as muslin or knit.

The drawing patterns shirts you will need two measurements (in cm):

1. Product length — CI (40).

2. Poluobhvat chest — TDG (28).

On a flat and preferably a plain sheet of paper, draw a right angle with the vertex A (Fig. 156).

Length of shirts. From a point And vertically draw a line down and mark the point N: DI = an = 40 cm

product Width. From point A to the right put 1/2 Linear plus 1.5 cm and place the letter B. point A and Point B connect.

AB = Linear : 2 + 1,5 = 28 : 2 + 1,5 = 15,5 see

the bottom Line. To get this line from point N to the right parallel to the line AB draw a straight and put the point H1.

Like AB, НН1 is supposed to be equal to 15.5 cm. then connect the dots between B and D1.

The line of the chest. Down from the point And set aside 1/3 of TDG plus 5.5 cm and mark the point G: AG = TDG : 3 + 5,5 = 28 : 3 + 5,5 = 15,5 see

to the Right of the point G the line parallel to AB draw a line to the intersection with БН1 and put a point G1.

The width of the bottom of the product. From the point H1 to the right put 7 cm, you have to put H2 and connect the points G1 and H2. Follow the bevel of the bottom and side cuts: up from the point H2 is set aside 1.5 cm, mark the point H3 which connect the line from the point N1. The lower part of the pattern ready.

Line the neck and armholes. Mark the width of the cut. To the right of the point And put 1/8 of the RM plus 2.5 cm and place the point a: AA = TDG : 8 + 2,5 = 28 : 8 + 2,5 = 6 see

the depth of the cut of the back of the product. Down from the point And set aside 1/4 RM plus 4 cm and mark the point b: AB = Linear : 8 + 4 = 28 : 8 + 4 = 7,5 see

From point a to point b draw a line. To find the depth of the cut of the front of the product, from point b down put 1.5 cm and put the point B1. Points a and B1, connect a smooth line.

The width of the shoulder. To the right from point a, measure 3 cm and mark the point A1. The resulting point will allow you to identify points for pursuing the line of the armhole.

Downward from the point A1 parallel to the line of the an guide direct and on the point of its intersection with the line of the chest put a point g, from which draw a line, dividing the angle in half а1гГ1. On this line, set aside 3 cm and place the point G1.

The bevel of the shoulder. Downward from the point A1 set aside of 0.5 cm and place the point A2. Next point is A2, G1, G1 connect a smooth line and the points a and A2 is a direct. The finished pattern is neatly cut, lay on the fabric and draw a chalk, soap or a special pencil. Further cutting the shirt, taking account of the seam and stitch.

Category: Sewing for little | Added by: 17.10.2017
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