I don't have girls, so many of my ideas are aimed at boys. This is one of my new ideas, embellished boy's shirt. Here it is:
Here's the back:
Here's the one I made for my eldest:
Back is my favorite.
Here are the basic steps:
1) Buy a Polo shirt. (The picture shows the first shirt I took the shirt and added my own collar. However, this lesson another time.) You can take the old and spice it up.
2) to Buy fabric.
3) to Put over the shirt and trace their shape. Cut out the shape as you want. I like the "V" shape and I used this form front and back. I got three items. Two on the shoulders in the front and one on the back.
4) you can Do them.
5) Use contrasting colors of thread.
6) Optional: you can sew small strips on the shoulders, using different fabrics, and I the gray on the second shirt. (Truth be told, my fabric was a bit short, so I improvised.)
Additional information: cloth edge can look a little tacky, depending on how well you did.
That's all for today. If you have any questions, let me know. Also, you can follow the blog or click below. I certainly appreciate those who spread the page, as this blog is fairly new. Thank you!