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Home » Articles » Sewing for little

Envelope for the baby

To perform the drawing pattern envelope (Fig. 144), you will need 2 constant measurements (in cm):

1. The width of the envelope — SHK (44).

2. The length of the envelope — DK (70).

First of all draw a straight angle with vertex at point P (Fig. 145).

The length of the envelope. Downward from the point R aside the length of the envelope and place the H-point. To the right of it draw a horizontal line.

The width of the backrest. To the right of point P will set aside 22 cm and place here the point P, which is down swipe perpendicular, at its point of intersection with the horizontal line put a point H1.

The width of Rostock. To the right of the point P will put 6 cm and place the point P1. From this point up put of 1.5 cm and place the point P2. The points P and P2 connect as shown in the drawing.

The slope of the shoulder. Down from the point P put 5 cm and place the point P1, then points P1 and P2 connect a straight line, divide this line in half and put a point of O. the points obtained up at a right angle to the line Р2П1 set aside 1 cm and place the point O1. Point P1, O1 and P2, connect as shown in the drawing.

The increase in ACC and clasp. Down from point N put 15 cm and mark the point N2. Right from this point draw a horizontal line. Then from the point H1 down swipe perpendicular and in place of its intersection with the horizontal line put a point H3.

The width of the front. To the right of point P will postpone 22 cm and place the point P3, which is down drop a perpendicular, and intersecting it with a horizontal line put a point H4.

The width and depth of the neck. To the left of point P3 set aside 6 cm and place the point P4. Down from the point, put 5 cm and place the point P5. This point connect point P4 is straight in the middle where you put a point O2. Received from points at right angles to Р4Р5 set aside 1.5 cm and place the point O3. Point P5, O3 and P4 connect. From the point P1 to the point P4 guide line, divide it in half and put a point O4. Up from point O4 is perpendicular to the line П1Р4 set aside 1 cm and place the point O5. After this point P1, O5, P4, connect a smooth line.

The increase in day length and the clasp. To the right of the point P3 set aside 8.5 cm and place the point P6, from which a perpendicular line down swipe and the point of its intersection with the horizontal line put a point H5. To the right of the point P3 set aside 6 cm and place the point P7. Points P7 and R5 join, divide this line in half and put a point A6. From the received point down perpendicular to Р5Р7 set aside 1.5 cm and place the point O7. Point P5, O7, P7 connect.

Down from point P6 put of 1.5 cm and place the point P8, which connect with the point P7.

Hood. To build a drawing pattern of the hood, you'll need two measurements (in cm):

1. The width of the hood — SHK (25).

2. The length of the hood — DK (20).

First of all draw a straight angle with the vertex at point K (Fig. 146).

The length of the hood. Down from the point To put the measure of the length of the hood and put a point K1. Points K and K1, connect direct, in the middle of which put the point K2. The right from points K1 and K2, draw a horizontal straight.

The width of the hood. To the right of the point K2 set aside 25 cm and put a point K3. The right point To set aside 7 cm and place the point K4. The point K4 and K3 connect by a straight line, divide this line in half and put a point of O. the points obtained up perpendicular to К3К4 set aside 3.5 cm and mark the point O1. Point K3, O1, K4 connect as shown in the drawing.

The line forehand. To the right of the point K1 is put 20 cm and mark the point K5. Connect it with the point K3 line, which lower down to 4 cm, and set point K6. Draw a straight К3К6, divide it in half and put a point O2. To the right of the point O2 is perpendicular to К3К6 set aside 1.5 cm and place the point O3. Points K1, K6, O3, K3 connect. As a result, you will get the line forehand passing through КК4О1К3О3К6, and stacki into the neck, passing through К1К6. Direct К1К6 note 2 folds to a depth of 2 cm each.Sew envelope with lining, the front part of which is cut out with the sunset and zip side and bottom. For the envelope, choose a warm and dense fabric and for the lining flannel, twill or satin.

Hood cut it out of two parts: one part of the main fabric, and the second from the lining. So you can adjust the size of the hood at its edge, insert lace or narrow ribbon.

First, sew, then Ratatouille shoulder seams of the parts of the core material and backing. Then the top of the envelope and fold the lining, right sides inside and sew all the slices at the neck to nasechek. Envelope remove and mimetite seams at the edges. Make the stitching line of the shoulder seams on the front side, connecting the top and the lining. Lay and baste pleats along the lower edge of the hood and lining.

The lining and fold the hood inside out and sew along the curved cut of the front. Remove the hood and mimetite edge. Connect the envelope and hood. To the front side of the envelope attach the front of the hood, aligning the middle of the back with the middle of the hood and edges with nadechka, walking in the middle of the front of the envelope.

After completing all operations, vmlite the hood and the hood vacate three of the slices, leaving the cut lining. Cut lining and fold hem manually, closing them casting seam and leaving only a small hole for a cord or ribbon. On the strap sewn loops and sew buttons.

Category: Sewing for little | Added by: 17.10.2017
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