Yesterday after I had made the kids belts I was left with fabric strips, so I decided it was time for the next round to make bracelets. I've been doing this a long time ago, but that was when I used the old belt.
I measured the wrist of my boys (not very tight) and added a couple of inches. I stitch zigzag stitched both ends to eliminate fraying and then sewed a little Velcro on each end. One small square of Velcro goes on the top side and one on the bottom side. (The last set of cuffs I used buttons, but Velcro makes more easy removal/dressing up for the little guys.)
Then I cut paper stencils.
I didn't have the colors I wanted to use, so I tried something different, unusual. I used 3D fabric paint. (If you squeeze from the bottle a lot of thick paint. They called it puffy paint.) I very carefully removed the stencil while it was still wet. You may think that this won't work, but the paint is quite thick, so it does not spread. This gives the image a fun 3-D look.
And this party cuff tested my cute nephews.
For the pacman cuff I added the dots and eyes without stencils. I just put a bit of paint that formed a circle.
I liked the pacman theme so much that I made another belt for my son.
Thank you for reading.