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Summer dress

Before proceeding to the construction drawing of the pattern, you need to take the following measurements (in cm) (Fig. 159):

1. Growth (90).

2. Product length — CI (46).

3. Waist length — DT (26).

4. Poluobhvat chest — TDG (28).

5. Poluobhvat neck — Posh (14).

6. Sleeve length — DR (36).

The finished product must not restrict the child's movements, to measure TDG add 8 cm: Linear + 8 = 28 + 8 = 36 cm

Back. First of all draw a straight angle with vertex at point P (Fig. 160).

The bottom line is. Downward from the point R we can measure DI (46 cm) and set point N.

The line of the chest. Downward from the point R set aside 1/3 of the RM plus 2.5 cm and mark the point G: RG = RM : 3 + 2,5 = 36 : 3 + 2,5 = 14,5 see

waist Length. Downward from the point R we can measure DT, So put a point to the Left of the points N, T and G, draw a horizontal line. So you get the hem, waist and chest.

The width of the backrestTo the left of point G on the chest set aside 1/3 of the Linear plus 1.5 cm and place the point G1: ГГ1 = TDG : 3 + 1,5 = 36 : 3 + 1,5 = 13,5 see

Up from point G1 swipe a perpendicular line to the horizontal line and in intersection put a point P.

the Line of openings. Build a line of openings: to the left of point G1 will set aside 1/4 of POG and put a dot in G2: Г1Г2 = TDG : 4 = 36 : 4 = 9 cm

Up from point G2 swipe a perpendicular line of arbitrary length. To determine the distance to side seam, left from the point G1 set aside 3 cm and place the point of the G3.

The width of Rostock. To the left from point R set aside 1/3 Posh plus 0.5 cm and put a point P1: PP1 = Posh : 3 + 0,5 = 14 : 3 + 0,5 = 5,1 see

Height. Up from point P1 set aside 1 cm and place the point P2. The points P and P2 connect to each other as shown in the drawing.

The slope of the shoulder. An important moment in the creation of the drawing pattern of the back — building line of the slope of the shoulder. Down from the point P put 2 cm and place the point P1, which connect straight to the point P2. For proposedi direct continue 0.5 cm, put a point P2. Then mark the construction points of the armhole, which will be held the line of the armhole. Up from point G1 put 5 cm and place the point Of the angle O. draw a straight Г2Г1О, dividing the angle in half, and at a distance of 2 cm from the point G1 check point O1. Point P2, O, O1, G3, connect as shown in the drawing.

Width of back at waist line. To the left from the point T to postpone the measure, equal ГГ3 plus 2.5 cm, and put T1: ТТ1 = ГГ3 = ГГ1 + Г1Г3 + 2,5 = 13,5 + 3 + 2,5 = 19 see

Point T1 G3 and connect a straight line, and we'll continue to hem and the intersection of set point H1.

The design of the bottom. Upward from the point D1 on the line Н1Г3 set aside 1.5 cm in a straight line and put a point of H2. Point N and H2 connect as shown in the drawing.

Before. The width of the dress. To the left of point G on the chest put OHP plus 8 cm and place the point G4: ГГ4 = RM + 8 = 28 + 8 = 36 cm

Up and down through the point obtained draw a straight and to the point of intersection with the bottom line put N3. Then check the height of the front. Up from point G4 put the armhole depth plus 2 cm and place the point P3: Г4Р3 = WG + 2 = 14,5 + 2 = 16,5 cm

to the Right of point P3 draw a horizontal straight line and the point of intersection with a perpendicular line goes from point G2, put R4.

Width of the neck. To the right of the point P3 set aside 1/3 Posh plus 0.5 cm and put R5: Р3Р5 = Posh : 3 + 0,5 = 5,1 cm

Width shoulder to tuck. To the right of the point P5 set aside 3 cm and place the point P6. Then check the distance to the Darts at the breast line. To the right of the point G4 postpone the measure, Р3Р5 Р5Р6 equal to plus or minus 1.5 cm, and put a dot G5: Г4Г5 = Р3Р5 + Р5Р6– 1,5 = 5,1 + 3 – 1,5 = 6,6 see

Point G5 and P6 connect straight as shown in the drawing. This will be the first line of the tuck.

The slope of the shoulder of the front. Down from point P6 put of 0.5 cm and place the point P7. The resulting point is connect by a straight line with the point P5.

The depth of the neck. Down from point P3 set aside 1/3 Posh plus 1 cm and place the point P8: Р3Р8 = Posh : 3 + 1 = 14 : 3 + 1 = 5,6 see

the Points P7 and P8 connect a straight line and from point R5 build direct to the intersection with the line Р7Р8 and set point O2. The bisector of the angle Р8О2Р5 set aside 0.7 cm and place the point O3. Point P5, O3, P8 connect a smooth line.

The length of the tuck. Up from point G5 line Г5Р6 put 4 cm and place the point G6. To the left of point P4 set aside 2.5 cm and mark the point P9. Point G6 and G9 connect with a straight line. Thus you will complete the second line tuck. By measuring the length of the first line tuck (Г6Р7), put down this length from the point G6 up the second line of the tuck and set point P10: Г6Р10 = Г6Р7.

The direction of the shoulder line of the front. The G-spot and P10 connect the dotted line. Then determine the length of the shoulder forehand from the Darts to the armhole. It is equal to the width of the shoulder of the backrest (Р2П2 = 10 cm) minus shoulder width front to tuck (Р5Р6 = 3 cm) and minus another 0.5 cm On the dotted line from point P10 set aside 6.5 cm and place the point P3: Р10П3 = Р2П2 – Р5Р6 – 0,5 = 6,5 cm

Auxiliary point. As with the creation of the drawing pattern of the back, when you build a pattern of the front you need to mark construction points of the armhole.

Up from point G2 set aside 4.5 cm and mark the point O4. Out of the corner О4Г2Г3 draw a straight, dividing the angle in half, put it 1.5 cm and place the point O5. Point P3 and O4 connect a straight line, divide this line in half and put a point A6. To the left from the point A6 right angle, put 0.5 cm and place the point O7. Make armhole, connecting point P3, O7, O4, O5, G3.

The lateral line of the front. To build a lateral line of the front, to the right of the point T1 set aside 5 cm and set point T2, which then connect with the point G3 straight line continuing it to the bottom line. Down from point G3 set aside the length of side a line backless Г3Н2 and put a dot H4: Г3Н2 = Г3Н4.

The lengthening of the front. Down from the point H3 to postpone 2 cm and place the point H5. Points H4 and H5 connect the straight line in the middle where you put a point h6. From this point downwards at a right angle postpone 1 cm and put a dot H7. Point H5, H7, H4 connect as shown in the drawing.

Sleeve. Draw a straight angle with vertex at point A (Fig. 161).

Sleeve length. Measure the length of the sleeve, putting downward from the point And scoop, ETC, and putting the H-point. Then find the height of the top part. This down from the point And set aside 1/4 TDG plus 1 cm and place the point G: AG = TDG : 4 + 1 = 36 : 4 + 1 = 10 see

the support point. To mark construction points, up from point G set aside 3 cm and mark the point O. Then draw a line of the elbow. For this line IT split in half and in the middle put a point L. the Right and left of the points N, L and G draw a horizontal line bottom, of the elbow and the height of the top part.

The width of the lower and upper parts of the sleeves. To find these values, construct a line whose length will match the width of the upper part of the sleeves and the width of the bottom of the sleeve. To the left from point G set aside half the width of the armhole of the dress plus 4 cm, put G1: ГГ1 = 9 + 4,5 + 4 = 17.5 cm

from the left point G1 aside the width of the armhole of the dress plus 1 cm and place the point G2: ГГ2 = 9 + 1 = 10 cm.

front Width of the roll. To the right of point G put 5 cm and in this place put a point G3.

Points G2 and G3 guide perpendicular lines and their points of intersection with the line of the bottom indicate H1 and H2, and the intersection point with the line of the elbow — L1.

The construction of the notch. To the left of point L1 postpone 1 cm and put a point L2. Point H2, L2, G3 connect direct.

Distance to the middle of the crown. To the left from point G aside the width of the openings of the product (9 cm) and set point G4, from which a perpendicular line guide. The intersection of this line with the horizontal line coming from point A, indicate the letter P.

the support point. You will need another auxiliary point. To designate it, point upward from the G4 set aside 3.5 cm and mark the point O1. This point connect point On a straight line, and we'll continue to the intersection with the perpendicular drawn from the point G1. At the point of crossing to put out O2.

To the right of point P will set aside 1.5 cm and place the point P1. Point O2 and P, and points On P1 and connect straight lines. Further down from the point P1 in a straight line П1О set aside 4.5 cm and mark the point O3. And from a point P on a straight PO2 set aside 4.5 cm and mark the point O4. From the points O4 and O3 at a right angle put in the 1.3 cm to the convexity of the crown and put the points O5 and O6. From the vertex of the angle АГГ3 draw a straight, dividing this angle in half, put it 2.5 cm and mark the point O7. Out of the corner Г2Г1О2 also draw a straight, put on it 3.5 cm and mark the point A8.

To place your crown, smooth line to connect points G2, A8, O2, O6, P, P1, O5, O, O7, G3.

To the right of point G1 will set aside 2.5 cm and place the point of the G5, of which the lower perpendicular line to the intersection with the straight Н1Н2, the intersection of label H3. Down from the point H3 to set aside 2.5 cm and mark the point H4. Downward from the point D1 set aside 1 cm and place the point H5. Then point H5, H4, H, h6 connect. When transferring the pattern on the fabric please note that the pattern is made subject to the seam equal to 1 see

, a Tunic with straight sleeves

To obtain the pattern of the tunic, enough to slightly change the drawing of the front of the main pattern, that is, to carry the line style.

First close a breast tuck. Then divide the distance in half from the chest to the middle of the front. Along the chest line from center front to the armhole put the 9 cm and the dots connect as shown in the drawing. After this line podraza divide into three equal parts and down from the intended points parallel to the middle of the front guide direct.

From each line to the right and left put at 0.5 cm, and draw lines folds. Cut the pattern caused by the lines of the style.

Category: Sewing for little | Added by: 17.10.2017
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