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The shoes


Sew Slippers for kids aged 3 months. up to 7 years.
These shoes are very soft and lightweight, they can be worn at any time of the year.
For the cold season shoes are made from a thicker and warmer fabric, for example velvet, flannelette, cloth, etc. Shoes can be lined or unlined. For summer these shoes should stitching of cotton, marshmallow, silk, pique, etc.
The drawing home shoes use the following measurements: foot length, circumference of ankle, the width of the foot in the middle, the width of the foot at the widest part. The contours of the foot gets on the paper, outlining their foot.
Such shoes can stitching a variety of models.

Drawing top

In the drawing the top home shoes (Fig. 96) should draw a rectangle. The length of a rectangle is equal to the foot length of the foot minus 2 cm, and a width of 1/4 the circumference of the ankle. The corners of the rectangle denoted by the letters A, B, G, (Fig. 97).
  The line of the cut. From point A to defer to the right segment equal to half the circumference of the ankle and to put the point D. Then from point A to postpone 1 cm and down vertically and to put the point E. then connect the dots E and D slightly concave line.
  Line the middle. Put 2 cm from the point In down horizontally and put the end E. To connect A point with the point D a straight line which will line the middle.
Strap line. From point D to defer up 1 cm. Through the obtained point to draw a line parallel to the line DE with a length of 5 cm From the end held the line to drop a perpendicular to the line DE.
  The outer edge line. From point B horizontally to the right to defer the cut is about 1/3 cut BG and put an end B. Then leave 0.5 cm from point B upward. Plotting points to connect with the point E a smooth curve line. This line will be the outer edge of the top, which is stitched to the sole.
  Line the back edge. From point E to the right horizontally 0.5 cm to postpone This point to connect with the bottom point on the outside edge of the top of the straight line which is the rear edge of the top.

Drawing the soles

In the drawing the soles of shoes (Fig. 98) determine the rectangle ABGV. The length of a rectangle is equal to the length of the foot, and the width equal to 1/4 of the width of the foot feet at its widest point.
From point B horizontally to the right to postpone the cut, equal to 1/5 cut BG plus 1 cm, and put a point D. From point D to postpone 1 cm up vertically and put an end D. From point D to postpone horizontal period equal to two intervals of a DB plus 1 cm, and put a point in E. Then connect the dots And D and a curved line as shown in the figure.
Line the middle of the sole is the horizontal line AB.

Cutting and sewing home shoes 

The top and the sole of the shoes should be cut on grain lines of the fabric. Before you reveal the fabric needs to be folded twice as common thread, a pattern to place on the fold line of the fabric, definitely leaving a seam.
For children older than 9 months. shoes sew on the lining, and for children older than 1 year, in addition, double soles. The details of the shoes connect the bridging seam.
Cutout top grind lining. The bar clasp can be cut out and Topstitch separately. Shoes, button buttons or tie laces. For tying Shoe laces on the bar at a distance of 1 cm from the edge is treated with 2 - 3 holes.
After pre-finishing the top is connected to the sole. Double sole before that scribbling a few lines.


Shown in Fig. 99 sew booties with triangular, upturned toes. The laces are in the upper part of bootees using the special notches.

Drawing top

Draw the top (Fig. 100) booties similar to the drawing of home shoes. First you need to draw a rectangle ABGV. From the point A upward to defer 5 - 7 cm (depending on height of shoes) and place a point D. From point D to the right, draw a horizontal line on which to delay period equal to half the circumference of the ankles plus 2 - 3 cm, and put an end D. From point To bottom vertically to postpone 2 cm and place the point E. From point D draw a vertical line to the intersection with the horizontal line AB. The resulting point is connected to point E.
To build a strap from point D right to defer 1 SL. From this point to hold the first vertical line, then a sloping straight line of length 3 cm and perpendicular, as shown in the figure.

Drawing the soles

The drawing of the sole (Fig. 101) use the drawing given in Fig. 98.
To toe the soles of the booties to make sharp, you need a horizontal line AB to extend for a distance equal to the length of the segment GD, and to put the point J. This point to connect with point D a straight line.

Cutting and sewing booties 

Cutting and sewing the booties a little different from cutting and sewing of home shoes.
Feature the booties are a sharp upturned socks. In addition, the booties are higher than Slippers. Through the middle of the top on both sides you can sew the strips with holes through which to preteroti narrow ribbon. Booties also sew on the lining or single.


In Fig. 102 depicted booties with patch details. Sole shoes are cut along with the top.

Drawing upper and sole

In the drawing the top bootees (Fig. 103, a) should draw a rectangle, one side of which is equal to the length of the foot leg plus 1/3 of this measurements. The other side of the rectangle is 1/4 of the width of the foot at the widest point plus 1 see the Corners of the rectangle denoted by the letters A, B, G, V.
Within this rectangle, construct the drawing as the upper and the soles of the booties.
  The first auxiliary line. Point To the left horizontally to postpone the segment equal to 1/4 the length of the foot, and to put the point D. From point D draw a vertical dotted line to its intersection with the line BG.
  The second auxiliary line. From point A down the vertical to postpone the cut, equal to 1/4 of the width of the foot of the feet plus 1 cm, and put the point E. From point E to hold right dotted horizontal line to the intersection of the line VG.
  The line of the cut. From point E to the right along the dotted line to delay period equal to half the width of the foot at the widest point and supply point J. Point W to connect with the point A a straight line, which, together with the line is the cutout booties.
  Line sock booties. Point In connect with a point of intersection of the two dashed lines. Then the line extended to the intersection with the line BG and to put an end 3. This line is a line of sock booties.
  Line the top edge of the part. It is indicated by the horizontal line AB.

Drawing invoice details 

In the drawing (Fig. 103, b) invoice details to draw a rectangle ABGV. The vertical side of a rectangle is equal to 1/4 of the width of the foot plus 5 - 10 cm Horizontal side of a rectangle is equal to 1/4 of the width of the foot leg plus half the circumference of the ankle, plus 3 see
  Line of cut. From point G to the left to defer 3 cm and put the point D. draw an arc with center at point D with a solution equal to the segment ALREADY (see Fig. 103, a), and at the intersection of the arc with line guards to put the point E. the Point E to connect with point D a straight line.
  Middle of the part. It is indicated by the line AB.
  The upper edge. The region indicated by line AB.
  An average slice of top. The slice marked with a line VE.

Cutting and sewing booties 

The pattern laid out booties have a fold of fabric at common thread. Seam make not more than 1 cm
Sewing booties performed as follows: first, make a mid-sole connecting the upper to the sole of the sock; then prostrachivajut region.
The top edge of the booties can be finished with a few lines or obtusate bake.
Through the ankles, make several holes through which threaded narrow ribbon or lace.
Booties you can sew on the lining or of a single warm fabric.

Category: Sewing for little | Added by: 17.10.2017
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