It is better to sew a tunic (Fig. 166) of a thin, lightweight, with a small figure of cloth to decorate small beautiful buttons matching color.
To make a pattern of dress, the basic pattern of the front of the dress raskleit by tuck. This pin tuck close and from the lower line to the end tuck cut the pattern (Fig. 167).
After that, the resulting pattern cut out completely before and apply the line style.
Before. On the shoulder line from the neck put 2 cm and draw a line of the neck. Now at the shoulder lines and through the middle of the front from the neckline aside to 7 cm and draw a line yoke. On the left side of the line of the neck and end of shoulder parallel to the line of the middle of the front strap, draw a line with a width of 7 cm
Up the side lines, put 2 cm and draw a line armholes. Then in the middle of the front draw the cutting line to further increase the Assembly.
Back. On the shoulder line from neck sundress set aside 2 cm and spend in this place the line of the neckline backless. From this line along the lines of the shoulder and mid-back put in 7 cm and draw a line yoke. Up sideline put 2 cm and draw a line armholes. On the drawn lines, cut the pattern (Fig. 168).
The pattern yoke front with strap and backless pattern set Podkayne piping with a width of about 4 cm. then copy the piping on paper.
The left part of the front cut it out with the addition of 7 see, Such an increase necessary for the entry and processing of the clasp.
Transferring the pattern to the material, keep in mind that the details of this dress with extra for seams and Assembly.
To tunic looked more elegant, it can be treated with Ruche.
Fig. 167. Drawing style lines on the basic pattern of the front of the dress and the pattern half of the front; b — pattern transfer — pattern of the back
Fig. 168. Pattern pieces of the dress and the right part of the pattern of the front; b — yoke with snap closure; — strap padrauna; g — left side part patterns of the front; d — lower yoke backless; e —upper yoke backless; W — backrest