I wanted to sew a dress for my daughter from fabric pattern Safari. Before I was able to choose the fabric in my opinion, my daughter found the green fabric with the animals and decided that this must be her dress. But then I looked at all the fabrics and found more than I liked the fabric pattern coral bushes. Since I couldn't choose between cute and pretty, I decided to use both fabrics and make the dress reversible. The problem is solved! Here is how I did it.
• 2 fabric with a different pattern - 50 cm
• Wavy ribbon - 1 m
• Elastic band 0.6 cm - 50 cm
• Button - 1
• Dress pattern "Jungle" on 4 pages in PDF format is here. Staple the pages together as indicated on pattern.
• 2 hours
Sewing allowances:
• 1 cm, unless otherwise specified
Cut patterns from fabric. Call green tissue T1 and tissue T2 coral. So you will have a pattern front and rear for the T1 and the front and back to T2. A total of 4 pieces. Actually, I didn't have enough fabric with a coral pattern, so I decided to make a piece with two prints. You can see the top piece. However, you do not need to use two different pattern. Just cut the pattern twice (once in T1 and once in T2).
Now let's do the straps. Cut into strips 12.5 cm x 30 cm of tissue T2. Fold along the long side and sew a seam (right sides together).
Remove the tube you just made. Turn the seam to the center (rear) and ironed. Set stitch length to max and sew a seam along the long edge of the strip, pull the thread to gather the fabric. You will need to pull it about half its original length. Once you have collected both of the strap, sew a zigzag stitch through the Assembly to keep them from straightening.
Note: You can also insert a rubber band 0.6 cm and get the same effect. In fact, if I make the dress again, I would have done, because the elastic bands help in getting more comfortable fit.
Place the short edge of the tape flush with the armhole of the dress on the fabric T1 is about 1 cm from the corner. Make sure that the hem lies medially.
Cover with a cloth T2 by combining angles and curves T1 and T2.
Sew a seam along the arm openings and neckline T1 and T2.
To twist. Here's how it will look after turning out.
To make both fabrics the cut of 7.5 cm in the middle of the neck.
The place of attachment of the straps.
Cover with another cloth. The line at corners and curves to combine.
Take the narrow ribbon and make a loop.
Place the loop into the slot 7.5 cm in the neck, between the two layers.
Now sew a seam, starting at one end of the openings, passing along the neckline, around the slot to the end of the other openings. This would allow to combine the tissue T1, T2, webbing and sew a ribbon loop for the button. Make notches along the curve.
Happened. This is how the straps will look like.
Now the front, push the fabric 1 and 2 and insert narrow elastic between the two layers, right below the neckline. Slide it into the corner with your finger.
A stitched corner elastic several times with a zigzag stitch.
Now push the elastic band and sew the seam below the neckline, forming a casing for the elastic.
When you get close to the edge of the neckline, pull the elastic band ( 6 - 7 cm) and sew it on the other end of the stitch zigzag. Cut off the remaining gum.
We must do the same for the back of the neck. Because it has a slit in the center we insert the elastic in both halves separately. The method will remain the same.
Now push both fabric and align them on the sides of the dress. Sewing fabric 1 back and front together, beginning with the openings, and going all the way to the hem.
Again starting from the armhole to sew all the way down to the hem of the fabric 2. Repeat on the other side.
Happened. Sew button on opposite side of the loop.
Finish the hem:
Fold the fabric 1 and 2 half an inch inside. Make sure that one side looks for the other side. Iron to form a crease.
Put a wavy ribbon so that it was half peeking out.
Sew a seam as close to the edge. Make sure that the threads are the same colors as the layers of fabric.
A miracle! Two-way dress "Jungle". Just little miss wanted.
And I do too.