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Home » Articles » Technology of sewing production

The connection pads with the product

The lining is connected to the product through the side sections, the neckline, armholes, side seams and hem as well as a warming pad. Products in the women's and men's coat with unfastened lining it on the bottom not pritachivajut. 

The connection pads, the bottom of which is not pritcan to the product, it is easier than the connection pads, a stitched hem. In addition, free standing lining at the bottom of the product reduces the causes of distortions on the lining.

Before connecting the product with the lining check and adjust. For this purpose it is placed on a product with wrong side inside, combining medium and shoulder seams, check the combination of side sections with the inner sections of podborov, and then the bottom edges of the lining and top. On the shelves lining podborta and outline the line of control, forming a slack lining in the chest area. 

In products where the lining will be participate on the bottom, it is trimmed at the level of the bottom line bending products.

Lining, not pricechannel to the bottom of the garment (unfastened, Fig. 65, a), connect with the product in the following order. Lining pritachivajut to podborta and collar seam width 1.0 cm, aligning the seams and the control chalk line and Posiva her in the chest. The excess lining over the width of the back zastrugivajut in the form of folds.

The product turn on the front side and check all connections, podborta primetyvajut to the shelf on a special machine type 63 CL. PMZ or manually parallel to the seam primaqiune side sections of the lining to podborta. At the same time primetyvajut stand collar to the strip by the line of bend of the rack.

The product turned inside out. Seams protecive lining to podborta attached to insulated side or laying on the blindstitch machine is at a distance of 7 - 8 cm from the bottom of the product, before reaching the shoulder seams on 8 - 10 cm, or machine zigzag stitch up to the middle of the chest. Seam protecive lining to the collar pritachivajut to the seam vrachevanie the bottom of the collar on the sanding machine.

The bottom lining sleeveless pritachivajut to the lower sections of sleeves products for sanding machine and the seams are attached to the spacer sleeve of calico, and in winter products to the insulation laying on the blindstitch machine. 

If strip bottom of sleeves from a fabric with an adhesive coating, the seams protecive lining attached to the front and elbow seams top sanding machine, elbow seams in this case will not sew. 

Seams Tachibana lining sleeveless armhole disperse in the seam vrachevanie sleeveless in underarm products in two places: at the top and bottom of the openings on lot length 8 - 10 cm.

Elbow seams lining pritachivajut to the elbow seams of the sleeves or insulation strip for sanding or special machine on the site length 8 - 10 cm down from the elbow. 

The top edge of the burlap pocket attached to the side laying on the blindstitch machine. 

The product turn on the front side, straighten and precise lining on the bottom.

In products without insulated strip lining is cut parallel to the bottom of the garment, leaving a seam allowance for ACC. The width of bending is adjusted in accordance with the technical specifications of the product. The bottom of the lining to buckle towards the inside and zametyvayut, and then scribbled on the bent edge on the machine zigzag stitching.

In products with insulated strip lining and spread to primetyvajut insulation gasket manual straight stitch length 4 - 5 cm at a distance of 10 - 12 cm from the bottom of the product. To insulate the strip cut above the bottom edges of 2 cm parallel to the bottom of the lining with the seam allowance on ACC width of 5 - 6 cm seam Allowance to the lining round cut strip and zametyvayut it with hem trim edge to 1 cm manual straight stitch length 3 to 4 cm Swept the edge of the lining zastrugivajut on the machine zigzag stitching, clipping the ACC and will be decorating the bottom of the lining (Fig. 65, b).

The ends of the lower edge of the lining pritachivajut to podborta.

Lining, banded hem, used mostly in men's products. In this case, the lining connecting with the product on all edges: side, neckline and hem. When processing the plates for screwing out of the product on the front side is left Nesmachnyi part of the middle seam of the back lining and front seam unlined sleeves. 

Through the side sections and the neck lining pritachivajut as described above.

The bottom lining pritachivajut to the allowance for bending the hem seam 1 cm wide, combining the middle and side seams. Of the excess lining over the width of the backrest to form a crease in the middle of the back. 

If the model has a slot, lining pritachivajut to the sides and corners of the slots on the sanding machine. To the underside of the splines lining pritachivajut, at the same time zastraivaya bottom corner slots. To the top of the splines lining pritachivajut from the lower end, at a distance of 0.7 - 1.0 cm from the upper end of the splines lining sew in a tuck.

The inner edge of podborov attached to the side laying on a special machine, seam protecive lining to the collar is attached to the seam vrachevanie the bottom of the collar or on a special sanding machines. 

Seam protecive lining on the bottom is fixed only on the sections of the side seams, primativa to them on the lower sections of the sanding machine. 

All subsequent work on the connection of the lining with the top of the products is the same as when connecting unfastened at the bottom of the lining.

To simplify connection of the lining with the top products, the shelves lining to pricecat to podborta to grinding of side edges. In this case the lining of the back pritachivajut to the shelves after processing of the boards. Further processing is the same as previously described.

In products with cap sleeves and garments where the side seams match up with the bottom seams of the sleeves, the lining is treated in the following sequence. After primaqiune supers, in stitching tucks, the middle seam of the back and shoulder sections in the armhole lining stachivaya the lining of the sleeves, which Stacey upper sections. The assembled lining specify on the product and pritachivajut to podborta and collar. Seams primaqiune sewn to the side strip and the seam vrachevanie the bottom of the collar.

Seams Tachibana lining of the sleeves in the armhole lining sew on sanding the seams vrachevanie sleeves in the armhole of the product. Then sew the side sections and the lower sections of the lining sleeve seam width of 1 cm Primaqiune lining sleeves to the bottom of the sleeves, the seams of sleeves and side seams of the lining to the seams of the top and the handle the bottom of the lining is performed, as described above.

Category: Technology of sewing production | Added by: 19.10.2017
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