In addition to the rate of flow of fabric on Omelko, determine the rate of tissue at nastilanie. When nastilanie tissues are formed by the additional losses along the length of the deck in the slack of the fabric, at the joints of the blades, the ends of the flooring and the limit of small remnants of fabric with a length of 10 cm, the Value of such losses depends on the skill of kasteliz and the organization of work in the cutting shop. These losses are taken into account when calculating the rate of flow of the fabric on the flooring.
Rate of fabric on the floor (NN) determined by the formula NN = (No + L) + 0.02 KS, But where the - norm on Omelko, m; L - loss length, m; C - quantity of fabric in flooring (height of the deck); KS - number of actual joints in flooring; 0,02 - tissue loss on the same joint of paintings of M.
Example. To determine the rate of wool fabric on the floor, But if = 5,35 m; KS = 12 joints; C = 42 paintings.
Identified by the "Directory of apparel-maker", vol. 1 the loss of tissue along the length; they amount to 0.03 m for one blade.
The rate of tissue on the floor NN = (5,35 + 0,03) x 42 + 0,02 x 12 = 226,2 m.
Comparing actual consumption of fabric with the standards for flooring, determine how effectively used fabric.
Reduces the loss of tissue in the flooring contribute to good working conditions, the development of advanced techniques for working with netilmicin, from which the formation of large tissue loss. Upon reaching the factory best performance, the norms of consumption of tissue is reduced, making it an order at the factory. Rules on Omelko and flooring set on the product of a specific size, height, style, and layout to the specified width given the form of the surface of the fabric and cutting. This gives you the ability to control the fabric consumption per unit of product and count the pieces of cloth in the decking.But since these data do not characterize the rate of tissue in this model (style) of products for all sizes and Rostov, establish technical norm (average) of fabric consumption per unit of product of this model (style), which reflects the consumption of tissue taking into account the specific weight of size, growth and type of surface tissues (pile, lint-free, smooth, print).
Technical rate of tissue (NT) is calculated by the formula NT = I.CP.TOD x 100 : (100 - Far.TOD) x (1 + N : 100) (m2), where I.CP.RDT - weighted average area of the patterns, m2; HRV.RDT - weighted average effective interest rate magically attacks; P - norm loss of tissue length, %.
The average area of the patterns is determined by multiplying the square patterns of the products of each size and each length by the appropriate percentage in the table of the scale size-Rostov, then fold the resulting works and the sum is divided by 100.
The weighted average effective interest rate magically attacks is determined from the specific gravity of the tissues of various species, smooth, shaggy, patterned, of which produced this product, and also the specific weight used for combined and single layouts.
The average size is determined by multiplying the size of the product for the specific gravity of the given size in the scale ( % ), summed and divided by 100.
The average length is determined by multiplying the length of the product in finished form in the proportion of each growth on the scale are summed and divided by 100.
Knowing the technical rate of fabric for each style, taking into account the planned number of products for all styles to establish technical norm on the product a certain number of the price list, which is essential when calculating the planned and actual costs.
Thus, pastelnye weighted average of the technical norms of expense on unit of this type of product (NT.PR) a certain number of the price list is calculated by the formula NT.PR = (HT1 x C1 + x C2 NT2 + ... + x NTP SP) : (C1 + C2 +... + CN) = ∑NT x : ∑S (m2), where C is the release of products of this style.
Such rules are calculated separately for each of the materials (top fabric, lining, etc.), which is made this type of product.
3аявочные standards (in m2 or calculated for absorption. m when the conditional width of the fabric) is established for planning the amount of fabrics, auxiliary materials, accessories required for the manufacture of garments in factories. These norms establish, for each type of product at the average size and growth given the diversity of styles.
Filing rules include technical regulations and end-of small remnants that cannot be used for the primary planned products. The percentage of small residues adopt different depending on the fiber composition of the fabrics.