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Home » Articles » Technology of sewing production

Trim detail dress

The details of the dress trim with lace, soutache, wood stains and lace. 

 Nastraivanie braid. On the details of the dress outline mold line of the felling band. The braid is placed on detail on the intended lines and using a special foot with a guide scribbled a thread the color of the braid (Fig. 89). 

 Nastraivanie of soutache. Soutache is placed on the planned lines and scribbled in the middle, using a special foot. 

 Connection Beek with the dress details. Bake the call finishing strip, cut at an angle of 45' to the warp threads. Borders can be different colors, but from a fabric of the same fabric as the dress fabric or shiny fabric, decorative braid, etc. Bake laid face down on the detail on the intended lines and pritachivajut seam width 0.5 - 0.7 cm, then the second cut edge bakey bends and scribbled at a distance of 0.1 cm from the bent edge with the help of a special foot with a guide wire (Fig. 90). You can bake and Topstitch on both sides.In this case, the edges of iron on the pattern, the binding is placed on detail on the intended lines and scribbled namachivajut thread the color of the borders on one or two needle machine.

 Connecting the lace with the dress details. Lace used as decoration, placed on the front side parts a distance of 0.5 - 0.7 cm from its edge trimming, primetyvajut straight stitches with a length of 1.0 cm and scribbled on a machine zigzag. On the edges of parts of simple shape can Topstitch lace without prior primitivne. Seam side detail trimmed around the lines.

When setting in the Princess seams, the seams of yoke, straps on the lace to form the Assembly. To make this determination, at a distance of 0.2 cm from the edge of pave edge line on a sanding machine with a slightly pulled stitches. Lace pull on a string, forming the Assembly is placed on the front side of the product parts and pritachivajut, retreating 0.2 cm from the edge. Thread primitivne removed. Detail with pricechannel lace stack with another item inside out and sew the seam of the lace primaqiune with the first part. The seams joining parts with lace or iron are bent in the direction in accordance with the model.

 Assembly. For the formation of assemblies used needle or single-needle lock stitch machine with a special presser foot, and carry out parallel lines with a slightly pulled stitches. At the end of every line, leave the ends of the thread up to 5 cm Lines have parallel slice that is to be formed Assembly. Distance from the edge part to the first line - 0,5 - 0,7 cm, before the second is 1.0 - 3.5 cm Fabric pull on the thread forming Assembly. The length of the cut parts after retraction of the thread must match the length of the part to be pritchina detail to builds. 

 The bouffe of. Depending on the processing method the bouffe distinguish common, with cord and waffle. 

 Ordinary bouffe (Fig. 91) form with the help of a special foot for assemblies. From the front side parts of the patterns outline the location of the buff, according to the planned lines, perform lines, at the same time collecting fabric for assemblies. The resulting assemblies are uniformly distributed throughout the area. The ends of the stitching threads are pulled inside out and tie a double knot, cut excess thread. In the end buff from the inside parts zastrugivajut small creases, which must include the ends of all lines buff.For durability bouffe handle on the strip of main fabric, in which the direction of the warp threads must match the direction lines of buff.

Edging edge strip overcast or zastrugivajut if they fall into the joints. The gasket under the bouffe pritachivajut by placing its ends in zatrachivaniya, folds, or hidden stitches to attach the seams of the folds. If the edges buff into the seams joining parts, the seams are treated with the gasket. 

 The bouffe with cord perform the following way. On the details of the products scheduled by the patterns of the location of the buff. From the inside details on their location enclose a strip of cloth. On the front side of the parts planned lines perform the stitching with a special foot (with a groove in the sole), while paving between tissues of the cord. Fabric pull on the cord, forming the Assembly. The ends of the cord fix a double machine stitch across the cord or by hand sewing each end of the cord to the laying of the 8 - 10 stitches. 

 Waffle bouffe form in that order. On the front side of elements on a curve or a line on the plan the location of the buff and equity and cross lines. Fabric fold in the planned lines and fasten hand-stitches in accordance with a pattern buff, making 4 or 5 stitches in each setting.

Category: Technology of sewing production | Added by: 19.10.2017
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