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Home » Articles » The ABCs of sewing

Modeling light dresses

4. Transfer the breast and talavou tucks in relief from the shoulder (Fig. 351; Fig. 54 in the color inset). The top of the lapel Darts connect with the top teleway the tuck (Fig. 351 a). This line pattern is cut, simultaneously cutting the Darts. Parts pushing, draw a smooth line and give the seam allowance 1.0 cm along the line of the relief (Fig. 351 b). If provides the finishing line from the face of the terrain, the width will be equal to the width of the finishing stitches + 0.5 cm.

5. Transfer the breast and talavou tucks in relief from the armhole (Fig. 352; Fig. 55, 58 in the color inset). The top of the chest tuck connects with the top of talavou tuck and plan a line of relief to the armhole (Fig. 352 a). Line elevation should be smooth, then the relief will be easier to handle. At the center of the chest tuck schedule reference point for more precise alignment of the parts. The pattern on the planned line cut, talavou tuck cut, lapel - close, thus opening a tuck in the armhole. Relief contours tweak the patterns.To the obtained slices give a seam allowance of 1.0 cm for each part (or more - depending on the availability of the finishing stitches). On the edge parts, transfer of control points (Fig. 352 b).

Feature of processing is that the seam elevation of the front part of the curve should be cut up to the stitching in several places, otherwise the relief will be delayed and will not give the Ironing. This line hides a large bust.

6. Translation lapel tucks into the middle of the shelves (Fig. 353; Fig. 42 in the color inset).

From the mid front to the top of the breast tuck, hold the line anticipated tuck, which in the finished product can be laid with soft crease (Fig. 353 a). The pattern is cut along the planned line, close a breast tuck and open slit in the middle of the shelves (Fig. 353 b).

Most often, a tuck in the middle of the shelves made as a few soft folds or assemblies. For this line the middle shelves in the area between the peaks of the lapel and talavou tucks (Fig. 353) is cut in several places, cover the breast and talavou tuck, open tuck at the cut lines from the middle of the shelves. Draw a smooth line in the middle of the front and the waistline of the bodice (Fig. 353 g). Front side folds down direct.

Category: The ABCs of sewing | Added by: 16.10.2017
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