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Development style for magazine illustration

Models of women's clothing historical developments

how to build basic drawing, knowing the rules of the drawing shaped lines, using the experience and artistic taste, you can make the pattern on any graphic from the magazine.

But when developing styles journal remember that the illustration does not preserve the natural proportions of the figure. It's a bit stretched in height to enhance the visual effect. Given this, for the accurate transfer of the shapes of lines count two scale — vertical and horizontal. To do this, when you make a drawing of the dress, peresnimite drawing on tracing paper and apply to it a construction line.

Development style for magazine illustration

, the Line of the neckSpend it on freehand drawing at the base of the neck through the jugular notch (point A7) (Fig. 126).

Central line. Guide her on the line, if the drawing is frontal. When a different projection drawing this line swipe of the hand. In this case, focus on the following point: the jugular notch, buttons, clasps, belt buckle, middle of the distance between the centers of the chest and symmetrical contoured lines.

The waist line. Swipe it at a right angle to the center line in the middle of the belt. When you shift style a line waist at the narrowest place the figures on the level of the elbow.

Line openings. Apply this line on the other side of the picture, which turned most to you. Guide it parallel to the center line tangent to the armhole sleeves. When applied to a drawing line of the armhole, measure from the point G3 to the right on the chest 1-1. 5 cm You got the point P. a point P of a vertical line parallel to the center line.

The line of the chest. Divide in half cut А7Т located on the Central line and get the point G Through the point G draw a line parallel to the waist line and continue it to the line of openings.

Compare segments А7Т figure and drawing patterns. In this case, the figure А7Т = 4,8 see In the drawing it is equal to 36,5 cm by Dividing these quantities, you'll get the vertical zoom factor KV. KV = 36,5 : 4,8 = 7,6.

Find the coefficient of horizontal displacement CABG. To do this, compare the segments of PG in drawing and on the drawing pattern. In this case, the illustrations PG = 1.8 cm, and in the drawing — 20 cm Cs = 20 : 1,8 = 11.

Mark on the dot pattern style lines, and then drag them into the drawing with the found coefficients.

Point the depth of the cut gate With. In the figure, measure the distance А7С on the Central line. It is equal to 1.6 cm Given the vertical zoom factor, calculate the distance for drawing the pattern. It is in this case 12 cm (1.6 x 7.6). Then measure this distance on the drawing from the point A7 down through the middle of the front and mark the resulting point by the letter C.

the Point of the breast M. For its location in the illustration, measure distance TM. It is equal to 1 cm, Determine the distance for drawing with the ratio of the horizontal scale. Then you will receive 1 x 11 = 11 cm From point G, measure this distance to the left of the chest and put the point M.

the Point of the armscye curve on M1. Through the openings, measure the distance from the waist line to the point M1. It is for this case Is 1.7 cm, the distance in the drawing of the Square is 13 cm (1,7 x 7.6). After the calculation measure the distance from point T5 to the left at the waist and put a point M1.

Point is the waist line M2. In the figure, measure the distance TM2. It is equal 0,7 cm. Make the calculations for drawing patterns with consideration of CABG. This distance is 7.7 cm (0.7 x 11). From point T5 to the left on the waist line, measure this distance and put a point M2.

The point of departure peplum M3. In the picture from the point M3 we drop a perpendicular on the Central line and label it letter B. Measure the distance TB is vertical in the figure. It is in this case equal to 1.2 cm Calculate it for drawing patterns, given the KV of 1.2 x 7.6 = 9 cm From point T down the line mid-measure a distance of 9 cm and mark the point B. in the illustration, Measure the distance M2. It is equal to 0.15 cm, Calculate this distance for drawing patterns with consideration of CABG. It will be 0.15 x 11 = 1.6 cm Obtained value measure from point B to the left and put a point M3.

The point of the line of the peplum hem on the line of the openings M4. In the figure, measure the distance from waist line to points M4 through the openings. It will be 1 cm. Calculate the distance for drawing the patterns given KV. It will be the same in this case, 7.6 cm (1,7 x 7.6). The value measure from waist line down through the openings, and put a point M4.

The definition of the line width of the sides of the suit. For this measure to figure the distance from the centerline to the edge of the Board. It is equal to 0.14 cm, Calculate this distance for drawing patterns with consideration of CABG. It will be 0.14 x 11 = 1.5 cm From the mid front to the right, measure this distance and draw a line the edge of the Board parallel to the line of mid front. Connect the lines of the point. They will match the lines of magazine illustration. Keep lines of MM1 and М3М4 to the line of the side seam and mark the point M5. Then apply the line of the peplum hem at the level of the point M5 in parallel to the waist line.

Move the highest point of the breast to point M and the top of the inframammary darting at line MM2. Lower 1 cm depth of the cut gate for better fit turn-down collar.

Fold-over collar. To build a drawing of the stand-up fold-over collar to any product with an open collar, draw a rectangle ОВВ1В2. Its a horizontal line equal to the length of the cut АА4 + А6А7 and the vertical line S = 7-8 cm Split line BB1. Measure down from the point B1 1.5–2 cm and place the point B3. Connect these points to the convex line. Thus you get a line of vrachevanie collar in the neck (BB2). Draw a fold line of the collar S. To do this, continue to the right on the value of the length of mysyk 1-3 cm line of departure ОВ2. The resulting point will connect with the point B3 with a straight line.

Category: Women's clothing | Added by: 17.10.2017
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