For jacket required suiting a length of 150 cm and a width of 150 cm (Fig. 116).
After completing the patternat the bottom of the shelves, apply a contoured line, that is zakruglenie region.
Collar tailor similar to the previous model.
Layout of patterns on fabric
, Lay the fabric on a flat surface and cut it out of the part on the basis of the already existing drawing.
After cutting you should have the following number of parts.
Main fabric:
— Central back part — 2 details;
— side back part — 2 details;
— lateral shelves — 2 items;
— the facing of the neck backless a — 1 detail-fold;
— the Central part of the shelf — 2 items;
— podbot — 2 parts;
— the upper part of sleeve — 2 details;
the lower part of sleeve — 2 details.
Finishing the fabric:
— leaf — 2 parts;
— upper collar — 1 detail-fold.
Fabric glue:
glue the leaves — 2 parts;
glue the piping neck backless a — 1 folded detail;
— adhesive podborta — 2 parts;
glue the upper collar — 2 details.
— the lining of the upper part of sleeve — 2 details;
— lining the lower part of sleeve — 2 details;
— lined interior with Central shelf — 2 pieces;
the lining of the Central part of the back — 2 pieces;
the lining side of the back — 2 details;
lining the side of the shelves — 2 details.
Processing sequence
1. Run the medium, and the Princess seams of the back, raised seams shelves.
2. Detail the leaves fold on the fold line, pure witchita on the short side. Sew the lower sections of the leaves to the shelf according to the markings, fold the piece of paper, press and Topstitch on the shelf.
3. Sew shoulder and side seams.
4. On the upper collar, tailored, along with podborany, run the middle seam. Sew shoulder seams shelves and piping of the neck backless. The lower collar vacate into the neck of the jacket, the upper collar into the neckline piping. Allowances seams vrachevanie cut close to the stitching and Ratatouille.
5. Podborta fold with shelves, right sides and pin the sections of the boards, cleave cuts the top and bottom of the collar.
Jacket pure witchita along the sides and collar and hem.
Podborta sew to hem the bottom.
6. Run seams sleeves. Sleeves hem and vacate in the armhole of the jacket, proposedin on the crown.
7. Sew the shoulder pads.
8. Stitch detail cut of lining fabric. Sew the lining to the lower sections of sleeves, the inner sections of podborov and the facing of the neckline backless. The lining hem.
9. On the right shelf sewn loop on the left-hand sew buttons.